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Guys, we can't make Riley feel anything.
Inside Out
Inside Out
- Hey! You! - Oh! You caught us!
Inside Out
No no no no no.
Inside Out
(GASPS) Joy! Joy! SADNESS: It's too dangerous! - SADNESS: We won't make it in time. - (THUDDING)
Inside Out
Just because Joy and Sadness are gone, I have to do stupid Dream Duty.
Inside Out
The hockey team showed up and Mom and Dad were there cheering.
Inside Out
So, uh, things got a little out of hand downstairs.
Inside Out
We can get recalled!
Inside Out
- Depth! I'm lacking depth! - Come on. (JOY GRUNTING)
Inside Out
Time to take action.
Inside Out
I'll try, Bing Bong.
Inside Out
Huh. Wonder what that means. Oh, well, let's go in.
Inside Out
SADNESS: The stairs to the basement! (BOTH YELP)
Inside Out
DISGUST: We have a major problem. FEAR: Oh, Joy, where are you?
Inside Out