Well, everybody says you're the best in town. Listen, your case is not gonna be cheap. What is your financial situation?
Ted 2
What, is there a problem? Well, you know, I just don't want my lawyer singing Frozen songs during the opening arguments. It's just this is a really important case. Ted has already lost his job, his marriage has been annulled. I know. My uncle gave me all the details. Right. You see, the thing is, we don't want to take any chances because the stakes are so significant. We can't just rush into anything. We got to make sure we're making the right decision. TED: We really appreciate your time, but I think what we're probably gonna do is just take a seat and get to work. Trust you completely. Yeah, we really feel like you got a lot to offer.
Ted 2
Please, the VVar on Drugs is a joke. It's just a way for the government to inflate law enforcement budgets and lock up minorities for no good legal reason. And you, my friend, are an oppressed minority. Yeah. No shit. They've denied you the same rights s everybody else just because you're different, and I say that's a violation of the Constitution.
Ted 2
How far away does he live?
Ted 2
All right, I got Dred Scott v. Sandford, Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. the Board of Education. I got Kramer vs. Kramer, Alien vs. Predator, and Freddy vs. Jason. I got, uh, Ernest Goes to Camp, Ernest Goes to Jail and The Importance of Being Earnest, which was very disappointing.
Ted 2
Oh, my God! So you're Sam L. Jackson! (LAUGHS) That's fucking great! Just like Sam L. Jackson! Who is that? You ever seen any movie ever? He's the black guy.
Ted 2
That weed is really good. It reminds me of the strain I smoked last summer called "Here Comes Autism."
Ted 2
JOHN: Hey, guys? (BREATHING HEAVILY) I'm having some trouble over here.
Ted 2
TED: A-ha! I fucking knew it!
Ted 2
That's him.
Ted 2
And that's all that's important.
Ted 2
Your name is Toby! You're going to learn to say your name. Let me hear you say it.