FEMALE NEWSCASTER: Also in the news, a pending court case is beginning to get national attention for its civil rights ramifications. Ted, the bear, who some of you may remember came to life back in the mid-'80s right here in Boston, is suing to prove he is indeed a person.
Ted 2
And live from New York, it's Saturday Night! (APPLAUSE)
Ted 2
Ted 2
Well, yeah. I mean, it would have to be a pro bono situation because we're not really working with much money. But I think you'll be impressed with my client. Oh! Ha-ha! Motherfucker! Sure. Yeah, great. Okay. Thank you so much! Okay, I'll see you then.Bye.
Ted 2
Hi, I'm calling for Patrick Meighan. This is Samantha Jackson. I defended Ted Clubber Lang in Ted v. Massachusetts.
Ted 2
Please tell me that's not the only bong you brought on this trip. TED: Yeah, Sam. This puts us in kind of an awkward position, here. I mean, we wanna get high, too. I don't have any papers or nothing. Is this hilarious? I got it at a bachelorette party.
Ted 2
Mr. Meighan, this is such an honor. Thank you so much for meeting with us. Not at all. It's my pleasure. Please, sit down. Oh, this office is fucking awesome. Yeah, totally. Hey, hey.
Ted 2
You want to be human in the eyes of the law.
Ted 2
GUY: Hey, Ted!
Ted 2
I'm sorry. I, uh... You better be planning on buying that!
Ted 2
Fresh cakes.
Ted 2
Tami-Lynn McCafferty, will you marry me?
Ted 2
You fucking believe that? No. This is insane. I mean, Tami's the woman I love. You know, I never would even have tried to adopt a dog if I had known it was gonna cause me this kind of shit storm. This whole thing is complete bullshit. I mean, if you ask me, we got to fight it.
Ted 2
Hi. You Okay? Yeah! I'm fine. You must be Ted. Yeah. Uh, I'm Ted, this is my buddy, John. Hi. Um, my uncle says that you guys are my first clients.
Ted 2
If you'd like, you can go in and say your goodbyes.