Oh, my God! Are you fucking kidding me? What? What do you mean, "What?" After hours? Jesus,Johnny, she totally wants to sleep with you.
Ted 2
Jesus Christ.
Ted 2
(SHOUTS) What the hell? Mr. Brady, we just need a moment of your time. What are you doing here? Who are you? Get out of my house! (INDISTINCT TALKING)
Ted 2
And, uh, I won't be followed?
Ted 2
You wanna see it? Huh? You wanna see your kid? I can see it from here, thanks,yeah. Dude, take a closer look. It's your kid. No,no,no! Come on! You got to take a closer look. That's close enough, Johnny! He's beautiful. Come on! I'll trade you. Catch. Oh, shit! Oh, God! Fuck!Dude, that's somebody's kid! Well, it's not my fault, A-Rod! You were supposed to catch it! We got to find something to scoop it up. There's containers over there. Scoop it up with that. Shit. All right.
Ted 2
I am not an animal!
Ted 2
Oh, he's not my boyfriend.
Ted 2
Ted 2
You could've been an inspiration to the world. Could've been a leader, a role model.
Ted 2
You know why you lost this case?
Ted 2
He lost.
Ted 2
FEMALE NEWSCASTER: Also in the news, a pending court case is beginning to get national attention for its civil rights ramifications. Ted, the bear, who some of you may remember came to life back in the mid-'80s right here in Boston, is suing to prove he is indeed a person.