Aw. I just thought of a great song title, The Kindness of a One-Armed Bartender. Oi, go on!
Logan Lucky
It was juvie. I was 13.
Logan Lucky
I mean, you're famous!
Logan Lucky
And you were supposed to be the lookout, now, weren't you? Bein' that I was your kid brother, I let you lead me into trouble with all your crazy "cauliflower" plans. My life of crime is over.
Logan Lucky
I also saw you have some sort of robbery "to do" list.
Logan Lucky
What'd they do, they called a bunch of us who used to work down in them mines.
Logan Lucky
So all them pipes they, what, they just run right into the... To the main vault.
Logan Lucky
That the wrong answer? There are no wrong answers when you're talkin' to a healthcare professional.
Logan Lucky
It's bigger than you can bury under an oak tree. - The split? - Even split. No. No way.
Logan Lucky
You calling from a landline or a cell phone? I'm calling on a phone. Like a real phone.
Logan Lucky
What are you talking about?
Logan Lucky
So when your OS may feel like it's working fine, a problem with software can make your computer not perform properly. Even crash. So eating only clean software, making sure my OS is working at an optimum level and all this will help me win.
Logan Lucky
We need like a computer whiz. Like one of them Facebook boys. I know everything there is to know about computers. Okay? Do you? All the Twitters, I know 'em. But me and Sam just ain't sure we can help y'all.
Logan Lucky
Of course for me, it was all about the uniforms. Their jerseys are the most striking shade of purple. Purple. Yes. Purple and gold. Royal colors. Yeah, I got off early, so I figured I'd take Sadie on over to her dance thing, so you didn't have to drive her.
Logan Lucky
Well, sure, but all the workers have to wear protective gloves at all times. That's... Well, it's a union rule. Union rules. Yep.
Logan Lucky
What do you think of the robbery? Well, I heard that they're calling it "Ocean's 7-Eleven", 'cause they found that truck with the money behind a convenience store.