Found 834 results
But, bein' 4:00 p.m., I knew not the best time of day to be on the road.
Logan Lucky
The only thing I need a cell phone for is takin' pictures of you. Gun show!
Logan Lucky
Come on, come on, come on!
Logan Lucky
Now, to make our bang, we need potassium chlorate.
Logan Lucky
But everything was just like we left it on Friday.
Logan Lucky
See? I'm a trans-radial amputee, so it's my lower forearm and hand that's missing.
Logan Lucky
Software's what I call my food.
Logan Lucky
We don't need to blow through the wall.
Logan Lucky
I've been carefully monitoring my glucose levels.
Logan Lucky
Well, we got a lot of road to cover so, yeah, there will be speeding.
Logan Lucky
What them, they gas lines?
Logan Lucky
He stepped forward when others were steppin' back. So you need to show a little respect.
Logan Lucky
We got to move it up a week.
Logan Lucky
Hey, me and, uh, your momma were just talkin' about maybe me and you goin' to get some ice cream. I'm not allowed ice cream anymore.
Logan Lucky
I'm just gonna squeeze myself in there.
Logan Lucky
Well, you look good.
Logan Lucky