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The people behind the plot to kill Xiang Ping, the Chinese Premier. A group called Vortex.
Johnny English Reborn
Get after her, Tucker, get after her! What?
Johnny English Reborn
Madam, let me help you with that. Here. Yes, I think you should vacate the area. There are some very dangerous people about. There we go.
Johnny English Reborn
TUCKER: Sir! Sir! Over here, Tucker! I lost her, sir. Look what I found.
Johnny English Reborn
I say, Wing Commander!
Johnny English Reborn
WOMAN: How exciting!
Johnny English Reborn
Johnny English Reborn
Cr�me de menthe, a smidgen of port, and that's about it, I'm afraid.
Johnny English Reborn
But you can help us by familiarizing yourself with this leaflet.
Johnny English Reborn
Your safety is our priority.
Johnny English Reborn
We've got vodka, rum.
Johnny English Reborn
ENGLISH: Just a tad to your left, Shirley. Thank you.
Johnny English Reborn
Now, what's your poison? Can I get you something?
Johnny English Reborn
Hello, Shirley.
Johnny English Reborn
Johnny English Reborn
I'm Shirley.
Johnny English Reborn
Johnny English Reborn
The D-16 ascender, and up we go.
Johnny English Reborn