Excuse me, sir. I'm very sorry to interrupt-- Pascal, how nice to see you again. - Enjoying the party? - Oh, splendid affair. I was until I was informed that your man English... and his curious boyfriend here have spent the evening... breaking into my office and assaulting my staff. - Is this true, Bough? - Well, we-- we-- What do you think you're up to? - Sir, if I could just offer-- - Go home, Bough! Now! I gave you direct orders not to meddle with Sauvage. What do you do? Break into his office and assault two of his staff. Then you march in here, loaded with God knows what, and insult the foreign secretary. I haven't encountered such behavior in Whitehall in 30 years. - But-- - There are no ''buts,'' English. You're off the case. Your security clearance is hereby canceled. After a three-month leave of absence, you will return at your old grade. And I hope never to hear your name again.
Johnny English
I don't know why you hauled yourself up that dreadful poo tube, Bough, when there was a perfectly good ladder right beside it. Now, Sauvage may have fooled the country... with his fake archbishop and his secret agenda, but he hasn't fooled me.
Johnny English
[ Screaming, Gasping ]
Johnny English
[ Radio Announcer ] Good morning, everybody, and welcome to the breakfast show. [ Speaking French ] As the crowds are gathering here for the crowning of our first French king... since the year 1 066, call here at London FM with the top ten things you most love about the French. We haven't had any calls yet, uh, at all, but the lines are still open and I'll give you that number again-- 0-2-0-7-- zero, deux, zero, sept-- This is not good, Johnny. We've got to think of something.
Johnny English
- [ Lip Synching ] - * You're so hot teasing me * *So you're blue, but I can't take a chance on a chick like you * *It's somethin' I couldn't do * * Well, I can dance with you, honey if you think it's funny * *Does your mother know that you're out * *And I could shout with you, baby Flirt a little, maybe * *Does your mother know that you're out * - * Take it easy * - * Take it easy * *Better slow down, girl That's no way to go * *Does your mother know * ** [ Continues ]
Johnny English
It is this man, Pascal Sauvage, who stole the Crown Jewels, who forced the queen to abdicate... and who would kill anyone who got in his way. It is the end, Herr English. [ Yells ] [ English ] He has cheated, conned and manipulated... this great country for his own ends. He's fooled you all.!
Johnny English
I think we've seen enough of this. I know exactly what you're planning, and I'm here to put a stop to it. My bottom will be king of England before you are. Wrong again. Perhaps you'd care to look behind you. Oh, please. [ Weapons Cock ] Lorna!
What's more, this whole ceremony is a sham... because that man standing in front of you... is not the archbishop of Canterbury. [ Congregation Gasps ] English, a word of advice. Don't go there. Shut it, Frenchy. I'll go wherever I damn well please. - Now take it off. - What? Your face is made of plastic.
Johnny English
*Let all good people rejoice * [ Chorus ] *Rejoice * - *Rejoice * - Aaah! *Let all good people rejoice * *Rejoice * *Rejoice * *Rejoice * *Rejoice * *Rejoice * *And sing ** Sirs, you are hereby called to witness the anointing... of your one true lord and future king Pascal. Pascal, are you willing to take the oath? I am willing. Then be thou anointed... with this holy oil.
Johnny English
[ Mutters In French ] Well, shall we?
Johnny English
Mmm. You are full of surprises.
Johnny English
**[ Upbeat Pop ]
Johnny English
[ Engine Revs ] Oh, uh-- Good morning, gentlemen. Thank you very much for waiting. Now, the question that faces us this morning is a simple one. Namely, how did the thieves gain access to this highly secure environment... and then escape with thejewels afterwards? A simple question, but one which I believe has a complex answer. - Actually, sir-- - Uh, please, Bough. My mind is at work. Now, what you must grasp, gentlemen, is that the master criminal... sees not a room but a series of opportunities. Should I go in through the window? Possibly. - Should I drop down from the ceiling? - Actually, sir-- There's one thing I think we can be fairly confident about, that is that they didn't come up through the floor-- I've got you, sir. That's all right. Just come my way, Bough. - That'll bring me right over the hole, sir. - There's no need to panic.
Johnny English
What now? There's no way back up there, that's for sure. But this must lead somewhere. I'm slightly uncomfortable in the dark, sir. There's nothing to worry about, Bough. - It may be pitch black, but we can still see. - Can we, sir? How? The Bedouin monks of the Al Maghreb mountains... developed a system of sonic chanting. - I see, sir. - The sound of their chanting... would bounce back off any obstacles, and using their highly tuned ears... they could paint a mental picture of the path ahead. - Brilliant, sir. - However, you must always sing in E-flat. ** [ Humming ] * E-flat, E-flat, E-flat * * Thank you for the music The songs I'm singing * - Is it working, sir? - Extremely well, thank you, Bough. * Thanks for all the joy that-- ** - [ Thud ] - Ow! You all right, sir? I think I can see something, sir. Oh,yeah. Come on.
Johnny English
Can you see the bottom yet, Bough? Not yet, sir. The shaft appears to be narrowing. I'm just a little bit worried I might get stuck. Trust me, Bough. You won't get stuck if you just keep moving. Yes, sir. [ Bough Grunting ]