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- Are you all right, sir? - Yes. I landed on something quite soft. - That was me, sir. - Oh, good.

Johnny English

Monsieur Sauvage, on behalf of Her Majesty, may I welcome you to the Tower. Merci, monsieur. So, are you here alone, Mr. English? That's how I choose to live my life, Miss Campbell. Women want safety, security. I can offer them nothing but danger. Some women find danger very attractive. Women like you, Miss Campbell? Women like me expect men like you... to find that out for yourself. Hmm. Madame. Oh, it's for me, actually. Could your rustle up some of those cheesy niblets? Now, where were we? You obviously haven't met our host, Monsieur Sauvage. No, thank God. You know, I think I'd rather have my bottom impaled on a giant cactus... than exchange pleasantries with that jumped-up Frenchman. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing the French should host is an invasion. [ Snickers ] Sorry, can I help? Pascal Sauvage, jumped-up Frenchman. Lorna Campbell. I've been so looking forward to meeting you. - Enchant�. - [ Muttering ] But of course! You'reJohnny English. I've heard all about you. And between you and me, I'm not so keen on the French myself. But please don't tell them that. Let me go and search for your nibbly cheese bits. - No, no, no. I-- - I insist. The French are, after all, fantastic waiters. - The best in the world. - Well-- But-But-- - Wait here, and I will wait on you. - No, really. There's no-- No. Please, please, please!

Johnny English

Gently does it. - [ Screaming ] - Sir?

Johnny English

[ Horns Honking ]

Johnny English

- [ Guests Gasping ] - I've managed to subdue the assailant. The panic's over. Everything's under control. - [ Applause ] - [ Chevenix Groans ] Thank you. And now, ladies and gentlemen, we should compose ourselves for the arrival of Her Majesty... and return to the site of our great nation's... magnificently restored Crown Jewels.

Johnny English

[ Grunting Continues ]

Johnny English

[ All Gasping ] I know. I feel it too. The very symbols of our island nation, so close we could almost reach out and-- - **[ Trumpet Fanfare ] - Pray silence for Her Majesty the Queen. [ Queen ] Oh, where are thejewels? [ Pegasus ] It's an unmitigated disaster, English. I couldn't agree more, sir. Well, we need to get these jewels back, English, and fast. Tell me about this assailant. When they searched the room, there was no sign ofhim. Well, the man was clearly a professional. He must have escaped while the queen was being sedated. But he's the only lead we've got. We have to find him. Come in. This is-- This is Roger from Data Support. Please sit down. He'll produce a likeness based on your description. So tell us, what did this man look like? Um... well... he was... big. - Hair color? - Um... orange. - Orange? - Mmm. And curly. Well, frizzy, actually. Frizzy sort of thing. - Frizzy. - An eye patch. Broken nose. Very few teeth. Two, I would say, at the most. And a scar on his cheek... in the shape... of a banana. - Which cheek? - Both cheeks. They sort of met in the middle. Are you sure about this, English? [ Gasps ] Oh,yes, that's him. An uncanny resemblance. Why, it's just as if he's in the room with us.

Johnny English

[ Karate Yells ]

Johnny English

[ Grunts, Groans ] Ow.

Johnny English

[ Grunts, Groans ]

Johnny English

- You've got it. - [ Bough ] What do we do now, sir? Watch and learn, Bough.

Johnny English

The point is, sir, that Vendetta and Klein... are both in the employ of Monsieur Sauvage. - Pascal Sauvage? - Precisely, sir. But you're not suggesting Sauvage is involved? I think he's more than just involved, sir. I'm convinced he's up to his French neck in it. Don't be absurd. Sauvage employs thousands of people. Just because two of them are villains doesn't mean that he is. I want him discounted from this investigation immediately. Yes, sir.

Johnny English

- [ Buzzer Sounds ] - Fandango!

Johnny English

Now then, perhaps you could direct me to your evil paymaster. - What are you talking about? - You know exactly what I'm talking about. Where is the office of Pascal Sauvage?

Johnny English

Requisition order: MI7 quartermasters for immediate supply; one military transport plane, fully fueled, with permission for nighttime city over flight; two night camouflage parachutes, plus reserves, plus neoprene bodysuits, twice, in black. I've never liked the navy blue. And a 40-inch chest for me 'cause I need the sleeve length. - Morning, Felch. - Morning. Oh, and two Special Forces signet rings, primed and color-coded. - What's all this for? - For tonight's operation. We're going to break into Sauvage's headquarters. - But Pegasus said-- - Let me worry about Pegasus. I know that Sauvage is behind all this, and tonight we're going to get the evidence. - Is something wrong, sir? - Did that sound like Felch to you?

Johnny English

Got him.

Johnny English

[ Shouting In Japanese ]

Johnny English

Oh, sushi! I practically live off the stuff. You might say the mysteries of the Orient are no mystery to me.

Johnny English