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Johnny English Reborn
Mummy, Mummy! Mr Rhubarb's here!
Johnny English Reborn
So, what line of business are you in, Mr Adams? Pudovkin.
Johnny English Reborn
I warn you, Mr Adams, not to stray into the rough.
Johnny English Reborn
I may not know much about golf, Tucker, but I know how to hold the bat.
Johnny English Reborn
Shot, sir.
Johnny English Reborn
Sorry, I thought I had forgotten something.
Johnny English Reborn
Johnny English Reborn
Let's go. AUTOMATED VOICE: Command accepted.
Johnny English Reborn
The CIA ordered its destruction 10 years ago. And the agent in charge of its disposal...
Johnny English Reborn
(METALLIC CLANGING) Lost them testing the B-6 exploding brogues. Oh, I'm so sorry. How are you?
Johnny English Reborn
Sir, I don't think he's a "Susan."
Johnny English Reborn
And completely out of my league.
Johnny English Reborn
Good luck, sir!
Johnny English Reborn
Agent Tucker!
Johnny English Reborn
Johnny English Reborn
I got a better idea. I'll shoot you! No, no, no. - Die, Vortex scum! - Tucker!
Johnny English Reborn
It's Johnny English.
Johnny English Reborn