What is the one commodity... the world never seems to run out of? Criminals, gentlemen. - [ Guests Murmuring ] - Lawbreakers. Every nation in the world struggles... with the issue of overcrowded prisons. So, what do we do with all these villains? Find the solution to that problem... and the governments of the world would pay you through their nose.
Johnny English
[ Toilets Flushing ]
Johnny English
[Johnny ] Wait a minute. I've got an idea. Hop! Hop! And hop! And hop! And stop! Now, are you familiar... with the shaman throat warblers of the Guatemalan delta? What? It has long been their belief... that a whistle pitched at the precise resonant frequency of a metal lock... will vibrate the levers in such a way that the door will simply swing open. Unbelievable. - And kneel. - [ Groaning ]
Johnny English
We empty every prison on the entire planet, we take the resulting tidal wave ofhuman scum... and we put it here. [ Gasping, Murmuring ]
Johnny English
Thank you.
Johnny English
** [ Whistling ] [ Radio Announcer ] In the wake of the return of the Crown Jewels... to a police station in North London, Pascal Sauvage has requested that his coronation... take place this Thursday. In the House, the prime minister said he was looking forward to the ceremony... and he believed that Monsieur Sauvage will make a fine king... and will bring all that is best about modern Europe to our ancient institutions. [ Doorbell Ringing ]
Johnny English
Are you coming over here in a minute, sir?
Johnny English
Get your car keys. We've got work to do. - Miss Campbell. - Sauvage is heading back to France. He's invited 1 3 of the richest criminal masterminds in the world to meet him there. I'm sorry, Miss Campbell. I'm off the case. It's been reassigned. I know. Reassigned to me.
Johnny English
I'm gonna sit in the flat. -Johnny, this is ridiculous. - I'm a spent force.
Johnny English
2 1 0,000 square miles... of prime real estate... conveniently separated from true civilization... by 20 miles of ocean... - and soon to be available... - Come on. for the entire world to dump its human waste in. According to current projections, we will not run out of prison space for the next 500 years. So, tonight one, and only one, of you... will leave here owning 49 percent... of this venture. So that's his little game. We must get hold of that DVD. But how,Johnny? There's only two of us. You're young, Miss Campbell, and inexperienced. What you seem to have forgotten is that... [ Over P.A. Speaker ] nobody knows we are here. At our disposal we have the vital element of surprise. Now, my plan is simple but effective. I shall drop from the gallery at this end of the room and take Sauvage prisoner. You will then enter from the far door, cutting off any means of escape. Then, using Sauvage as a hostage, we'll get the hell out ofhere. Clear?
Johnny English
That man must not be crowned king because he is... a fraudster, a charlatan and a thief. No, please. Let him speak.
Johnny English
NORTHERN FRANCE It'll be nightfall in an hour. Then we can strike out for the chateau. The fact is, the moment Sauvage gets that crown on his head, he'll be able to do whatever he likes with the country that I love, and that is why you and I have got to stop him.
Johnny English
[ Whispers ] Oh, no.
Johnny English
Set, Bough. Take me up.
Johnny English
*Let all good people rejoice * [ Chorus ] *Rejoice * - *Rejoice * - Aaah! *Let all good people rejoice * *Rejoice * *Rejoice * *Rejoice * *Rejoice * *Rejoice * *And sing ** Sirs, you are hereby called to witness the anointing... of your one true lord and future king Pascal. Pascal, are you willing to take the oath? I am willing. Then be thou anointed... with this holy oil.
Johnny English
- [ Rasping Tone ] - [ Lock Clicks ] It worked! - Ohh! - Sir?