- I want you with me. -Just leave me alone. Are you gonna sit here in this grotty flat feeling sorry for yourself? Or are you gonna get out there and save your country?
Johnny English
- Aah! What is it, sir? - That bike.
Johnny English
Ugh.! Ai-yi-yi.
Johnny English
Agent One. Gentlemen.
Johnny English
Sir? Sir?
Johnny English
[ Toys Squeaking ] [ Dogs Whimpering ]
Johnny English
I have been so looking forward to this moment. Well, in that case, I'll try not to disappoint. You overestimate your power over women, Mr. English.
Johnny English
There are some items you need to sign before your briefing. This is your new retinal I.D. card, and this is your level nine security clearance. Sign and date, please. Ah. Oh, reminds me of the old service issue ballpoint. I remember every agent would carry a pen that looked just like this. Completely innocent to the untrained eye, but click it twice-- [ Gasps ]
Johnny English
Bough, take ''flodd.'' - Take what, sir? - ''Flodd.'' ''Schlage.'' - I'm not quite getting that second word, sir. - ''Schlaaaagh!'' - Write it down, sir. - ''Schlaaaagh!'' Yes! [ Muttering Gibberish ]
Johnny English
Let's get outta here. Sorry, but who are you, exactly? Special Agent Campbell. I'm attached to Interpol in Paris. We've been watching Sauvage for months. Why? Because every major convict released from a Sauvage prison in six months... has been employed by one of his companies. We believe he's recruiting them for a major criminal conspiracy. - We just don't know what yet. - [ English Mumbles Gibberish ]
Johnny English
Let me.
Johnny English
Mmm. You're brave. They say that sea urchin's the ultimate acquired taste. Hmm. It's a personal favorite of mine.
Johnny English
''C.'' C-A-- Uh-- Car! Take the car! We came by plane. [ Muttering Gibberish ] Bugger off!. - Hold it right there. - [ Groans ] - What's wrong with them? - I'm not telling you. Wrong answer. What is it with you two? Huh? [ Groaning ]
Johnny English
I think people are put off by how it feeds through its bottom. Would you excuse me for a moment? [ Gagging ]
Johnny English
[ Beep, Whirring ] [ Bough ] English. A people whose empire once covered... one quarter of the surface of the earth. Alas, no longer. My friends ask me, ''Pascal, how can you be so interested... in such a backward, grotty little country?'' My answer is simple: the queen. The queen has more power in her tiny white gloves... than any other head of state in the entire world. She can declare war or make peace, and most intriguingly... she can seize any piece of land which takes her fancy. Of course, the queen never uses... the enormous power afforded to her. But imagine someone who would use that power. Imagine, say, me. But how could he do that, sir? How could he make himself king? The archbishop. - [ Sauvage Continues, Indistinct ] - [ Door Opens ]
Johnny English
[ Groans ]
Johnny English
Aah! - **[ Up-tempo ] - Shall we dance?
Johnny English
[ Groans ] What in God's name-- Ah, Foreign ''Sebretarary.'' Um-- [ Moans ]