- (CLAMORING) - PRIME MINISTER: Well, uh, ladies and gentlemen, I think we can all agree that wasn't quite the evening we were expecting. (SCATTERED CHUCKLES) (PRIME MINISTER CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY) (CLEARS THROAT) I had hoped to present to you tonight a vision... - (WHISPERS): Thank you. - of what Britain might be, but as it happens, the man who saved us all this evening, the man who, I might add, I personally assigned to this case, has presented us with a different kind of vision, a living embodiment, if you like, of those fundamental British qualities that have ensured that our beloved island nation endures: courage under fire, endless ingenuity, and, above all, a quiet... unassailable dignity.
Johnny English Strikes Again
I found him snooping around upstairs. And who are you, exactly? - I'm not telling you anything. - Hmm. XANDER: Face recognition software launched. Johnny English is a geography teacher from Lincolnshire. Rather heavily armed for a lesson on European capitals, Mr. English. (CHUCKLES SARCASTICALLY)
VIOLA: That is your phone. (GRUNTING) - Whew. Whew. - (RINGTONE CONTINUES PLAYING) (EXHALES) (MUFFLED RINGTONE) Thank you. (TURNS OFF RINGTONE) Monsieur. Uh, the, uh, the shell on my wife's lobster, could you remove it, please? Mm, yees.
Johnny English Strikes Again
Let me crack it for you.
Johnny English Strikes Again
Zank you.
Johnny English Strikes Again
(BOTH GRUNTING) Now, you have to get up pretty early in the morning to outwit British Intelligence.
Johnny English Strikes Again
It's no good. It won't move, sir. (SCOFFS) We'll see about that. Low-intensity exploding cotton bud.
Johnny English Strikes Again
Remember, the absolutely vital element of this mission is surprise.
Johnny English Strikes Again
(CLEARS THROAT) Oh, God, now what? There's been another attack, Prime Minister. - Oh... - Air Traffic Control. Someone's rerouted every flight in Europe to Luton. For God's sake, tell me the agent you've got in the field is making some progress. - (PANICKED SHOUTING) - (SIREN BLARING)
Johnny English Strikes Again
- Yes, Prime Minister. - And they will do when he starts working with us. But why would a Silicon Valley billionaire work with us? Just... get him into Number 10 and let me work on him. - Yes, ma'am. - Go on.
Johnny English Strikes Again
VOLTA: Algorithms. We are surrounded by them. Algorithms run our lives, choose our TV shows, stream our music, even find us a date. - (LAUGHTER) - MAN: Yeah, man! I know this chap, don't I? Yes, he's that Silicon Valley billionaire who dated a Kardashian. Two Kardashians. And a Black Eyed Pea. Keep watching. VOLTA: But supposing there was an algorithm for an entire country. A single algorithm that could be applied to every one of its problems. A single algorithm that could take a second-rate nation and make it... - world-class. - (APPLAUSE, WHOOPING) VOLTA: Every nation is awash with data, so now, more than ever, we need to put that data to work for the people. These few lines of code will deliver the kind of change they have been dreaming of their entire lives. (OVER PHONE): I am Xander. I love data. (WHOOPING) He's so clever. He's young, he's sexy, he's insanely successful. Just the qualities we need people to associate with me.
Johnny English Strikes Again
BOUGH: Looks about half a mile out, sir. Do we want to try and swim it, or...? No, Bough. This is a job for the shoebox inflatable. No! Don't open it in the car, sir!
Johnny English Strikes Again
D-Do you think we should get some petrol for the Aston, sir? Nah. An Aston Martin is surprisingly economical, Bough.