Found 531 results
You would have made a valuable ally.
Sherlock Holmes
There isn't any time to waste then, is there?
Sherlock Holmes
Both houses meet today.
Sherlock Holmes
We take power at noon.
Sherlock Holmes
Specifically designed to prevent us from disarming it.
Sherlock Holmes
- Right. - What? - Coat. - Got it.
Sherlock Holmes
The new order... begins now.
Sherlock Holmes
You seem surprised.
Sherlock Holmes
Behold... Lord Blackwood.
Sherlock Holmes
I have returned from beyond the grave to fulfill England's destiny... and extend the boundaries of this great empire.
Sherlock Holmes
I will use that as a weapon... to control them... and then the world.
Sherlock Holmes
You are Blackwood's last request.
Sherlock Holmes
Where did that come from?
Sherlock Holmes
Get up and fight.
Sherlock Holmes
Food for thought.
Sherlock Holmes
- I do have a parting query, Sir Thomas. - What is that? If the rest of his family's dead, how long do you expect to survive?
Sherlock Holmes
But not for you. And certainly not for a price.
Sherlock Holmes
So consider it done, I'll stop him.
Sherlock Holmes