But I ain't serving this scum. Well, I'm afraid it's all for one and one for all. You see, my young friends and I are on an adventure. A quest, if you will. And since we find ourselves in need of refreshment, you, sir, have the honor of drawing first blood.
The World's End
The World's End
Hmm. I don't understand. It's simple, Pete. The car's still registered to you, it has been since 1989. But I've moved three times since then. I know, I changed the log book. Where do you think all those points came from? Jesus. You guys need to relax.
The World's End
The World's End
Andy, look out!
The World's End
Just what is it that you want to do?
The World's End
This is what the kids want. This is a bit mad, isn't it? This is perfect. We can hide out in here. I'll get the drinks in. Good plan, O-Man. Hey! Keep an eye out for blanks.
The World's End
Oh, shit. Look who it is.
The World's End
But what if he's one of them? No, me and The Reverend had a highly sophisticated code when discussing the purchase of herbal narcotics. If he doesn't understand me, it means he's one of them and I will simply walk away.
The World's End
I know that's not a surprise to you. What did he say, Sam? What did he say, Sam?
The World's End
Yeah, we did it! We won, we won!
The World's End
Jesus, Gary! WTF? Why did you give him my name? I'm not gonna give him my name, am I? Suppose I get done by the police? You won't get done by the police. Gary, he will check the number plate against his name! I know. Why do you think I gave him Pete's name? Jesus Christ, Gary, I own a car showroom. I am a junior partner. This is... Just trust me.
The World's End
Far from it, O-Man. No, they're here to help. I'm not saying they're afraid to get tough. I certainly had to get tough with you in my day.
The World's End
There was Oliver Chamberlain, Peter Page, Steven Prince, Andy Knightley and me.
The World's End
So, what do you say we all go somewhere and talk about this properly?
The World's End
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck, fuck. Oh, no, it's okay, I did it all in the services.
The World's End
Sam, I'm disappointed in you.
The World's End
I always wanted to. It just never seemed like the right moment. Something always got in the way. Here you go, get these down you.