The remote thing is broken. You'll have to do it by hand.
Catch Me If You Can
Now, somebody please tell me where you left off in your textbooks.
Catch Me If You Can
I got you some comic books.
Catch Me If You Can
You don't have to be scared. I'm right here, Frank. I'll always be here. But there are laws. Everything in this country has to be legal. So what we need to do is make some decisions. That's what Mr. Kesner is here for. Many times these decisions are left up to the courts. But that can be very expensive, people fighting over their children. Nobody is fighting. Look at me, Frank. Nobody is fighting.
Catch Me If You Can
What if I went to your parents, and I spoke to your father and I asked permission to marry you?
Catch Me If You Can
In all those years, we've only seen a handful of deserving gentlemen inducted as lifetime members.
Catch Me If You Can
- Which room, sir? - In the corner.
Catch Me If You Can
Have you seen Frank or Brenda? I think they went upstairs.
Catch Me If You Can
Hello. He came by looking for your father. I was giving him a tour of the apartment. It's very spacious, Paula.
Catch Me If You Can
Where are you going? Come on, Frank, where are you going? Where are you going? Where are you going tonight?
Catch Me If You Can
I don't care if you're a virgin, all right? Really, I can wait.
Catch Me If You Can
Debra Jo McMillan.
Catch Me If You Can
Excuse me, people. If I need to ask again, I'm gonna write up the entire class. Take your seats!
Catch Me If You Can
How do you like those braces?
Catch Me If You Can
And where are these numbers?
Catch Me If You Can
I have plenty more.
Catch Me If You Can
Make yourself at home! Frank Abagnale, Sr. You're not a cop.