Frank! Can you hold all these? They're checks. They're from my dad's friends. They're for us so we can start our new life... What are you doing? What's wrong? We have to leave.
Catch Me If You Can
God damn it!
Catch Me If You Can
Color separation is flawless.
Catch Me If You Can
More coffee, sir? - Are you a collector? - Of what? Captives of the Cosmic Ray, The Big Freeze, Land of the Golden Giants. - I've got them all. - What are you talking about? Barry Allen. The Flash. Wait, kid. You mean, like the comic book? Yeah, the comic book. When he's not The Flash, that's his name, Barry Allen. Thank you. Now get this, he reads comic books! Comic books! Barry Allen is The Flash! Carl, slow down. I don't know what the hell you're talking about. He's a kid. Our unsub is a kid. That's why we couldn't match his prints, that's why he doesn't have a record. I want you to contact NYPD for every all-points juvenile runaways in New York City. Don't forget the airports. He's been kiting checks all over the country. - Why New York? - The Yankees! He said something about the Yankees!
Catch Me If You Can
You don't have to go to school today. It's okay. - Why? Is it snowing? - Do you have a black suit? I overslept again. We have a very important meeting in the city. Eat that. Come on. Ma'am, open up, please. It's important. What? Oh, gosh. - We don't open for half an hour. - Just open the door. It's important. I'm sorry, we don't open for half an hour. What's your name, ma'am? - Darcy. - Darcy. That's a pretty name. I'm in a fix. I need a suit for my kid. This is my son, Frank. He needs a black suit. There was a death in the family. My father, 85 years old, war hero.
Catch Me If You Can
That's Abagnale, not Abagnolee, not Abagnelee, but Abagnale.
Catch Me If You Can
Here. Nurse Brown.
Catch Me If You Can
I didn't want to be the one to tell you.
Catch Me If You Can
Dad, just call her. Call her for me.
Catch Me If You Can
Ma, I'm home.
Catch Me If You Can
How is Mom? Have you called her lately? Love, your son, Frank.
Catch Me If You Can
Brenda, I wouldn't worry about it. These doctors don't know everything.
Catch Me If You Can
Please leave me alone, Carl. Please?
Catch Me If You Can
Dr. Conners, are you Lutheran?
Catch Me If You Can
Give me half that éclair and I'll tell you.
Catch Me If You Can
It's my first week.
Catch Me If You Can
On the other side of the hotel, they got suites that face the park.
Catch Me If You Can
Dr. Conners to the E.R. Dr. Conners to the E.R. Shouldn't you go? No. They have a staff doctor in the emergency ward, we'll be fine.