He cashed three checks. They all cleared. I was going to deposit this one today.
Catch Me If You Can
This is Hanratty.
Catch Me If You Can
You mind if I come to work with you tomorrow? Tomorrow is Saturday. I'm flying to Chicago to see my daughter. I'll be back to work on Monday. - You're going to see Grace? - Yeah, that's the plan.
Catch Me If You Can
- You're just a kid. - I'm not your kid. You said you were going to Chicago. My daughter can't see me this weekend. She's going skiing. You said she was four years old. You're lying. She was four when I left. Now she's 15. My wife has been remarried for 11 years. I see Grace every now and again. - I don't understand. - Sure you do. Sometimes it's easier living the lie. I'm gonna let you fly tonight, Frank. I won't even try to stop you, because I know you'll be back on Monday. Yeah. How do you know I'll come back? Look.
Catch Me If You Can
Eyeball the back? Come on, Carl. This guy's a pen-and-ink man, a goddamn paperhanger. Why can't we go with you, Carl? Keep your eyes open, do your job and I'll buy you both a Good Humor bar.
Catch Me If You Can
It's all right, ma'am. F.B.I.
Catch Me If You Can
No trouble.
Catch Me If You Can
- I got you something. - What's that? Open it.
Catch Me If You Can
How are you doing? It's not a good time, Frank. I'm clearing my desk for the weekend.
Catch Me If You Can
Yeah, put him on.
Catch Me If You Can
We have a recovered check on Agent Reiter's desk. Why don't we step out to the bullpen?
Catch Me If You Can
Sorry I'm late. Sorry.
Catch Me If You Can
Guess all we have to do now is catch him.
Catch Me If You Can
Catch Me If You Can
Take my whole wallet. You want my gun, too? Come over here, take my gun.
Catch Me If You Can
You're late, all right? My name's Barry Allen, United States Secret Service. Your boy just tried to jump out the window. - My partner has him in custody. - I don't know what you're talking about. You think the F.B.I. are the only ones on this guy? Come on. He's dabbling in government checks. We've been following a paper trail on this guy for months now. You mind taking that gun out of my face? Please. Really. It makes me nervous. Let me see some credentials. Yeah, sure.
Catch Me If You Can
Los... Hollywood.
Catch Me If You Can
I have half a dozen more checks on that tour operator at the BVI.