Jaws, E.T., The Breakfast Club, Star Wars and Rocky. Best scored and soundtracked movies of all time. That's what I wanna do when I grow up. I wanna score movies. Bring people to tears, you know. Blow their minds.
Pitch Perfect
Me, too. We should have listened to Beca. So it's my fault? That's not what I'm saying. No, no, no, that's what you're all thinking, isn't it? That I'm the jerk. I am the girl obsessed with winning. Aubrey, you're too controlling and it's gonna ruin all of us. You know what, I can lose control if I want to. I can let go. This time I'm not gonna choke it down.
Pitch Perfect
Yeah, lucky you. In second place, and advancing to this year's semi-finals, the Barden Bellas.
Pitch Perfect
Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club.
Pitch Perfect
So, we just pick any song that works? Yeah, any song. And you just go with it? Nice. And our next category is...
Pitch Perfect
And she makes it through, folks. No cookie toss.
Pitch Perfect
I'm sorry.
Pitch Perfect
Why cardio? Yeah, no, don't put me down for cardio. Okay, moving on. This is a list of all of the songs that we have ever performed. And you will notice that we only do songs made famous by women. There's nothing from this century on here.
Pitch Perfect
What are you doing? I'm doing horizontal running. Horizontal running?
Pitch Perfect
We will practice every day for at least two hours, seven days a week. And I trust you will add your own cardio.
Pitch Perfect
Beca, wake up.
Pitch Perfect
Pitch Perfect
I don't know. She looks a little too alternative for us. Hi, any interest in joining our a cappella group?
Pitch Perfect
What happened last year?
Pitch Perfect
That brings out the man in me I know I can't help myself. You're all in the world to me.
Pitch Perfect
Pitch Perfect
Boy, the bad boys of a cappella have just gotten badder. Whoo! That's right, John. I'm gonna have to excuse myself to freshen up the downtown. Can I help?
Pitch Perfect
Man, what are we gonna do? Maybe we could call... No, don't even say it, Chloe. How dare you? No, actually that is a really good idea. I've got Bumper's number. Why do you have Bumper's number?