Found 1391 results
Come on, girls! Let's go! Go, go, go! Pick up your knees! Faster, faster! One, two, one, two, one, two! Knees up, knees up! Go, go! Go! Let's get it.
Pitch Perfect
I think Beca should take my solo. Yeah, Beca would be excellent. But also, someone else might be equally as excellent.
Pitch Perfect
What do I do?
Pitch Perfect
Because I have nodes. Chloe, don't worry, it's just God punishing you 'cause you're a ginger.
Pitch Perfect
They sing a lot of Madonna.
Pitch Perfect
This is college. Join in.
Pitch Perfect
But I am my father's daughter.
Pitch Perfect
Over spring break, I made the courageous decision to remove my nodes.
Pitch Perfect
I don't like your attitude. You don't even know me. I know you have a toner for Jesse.
Pitch Perfect
What's this? As much as I love spending time with you stacking CDs... And I do. I love it, like, more than life.
Pitch Perfect
You know David Guetta? Have I been living under a rock? Yeah. That song is my jam.
Pitch Perfect
Are you guys getting ready for the riff-off?
Pitch Perfect
L, sing your name...
Pitch Perfect
Do you know what that means? Yes, Lilly? I think I have something that can help us out.
Pitch Perfect
Not a dude. It's not a dude.
Pitch Perfect
Who's ready to get vocal?
Pitch Perfect
Even though some of you are pretty thin, I think that you all have fat hearts, and that's what matters. Okay, let's just smash this. Okay?
Pitch Perfect