You're like Julian Assange, man. It's like you always do this... I don't know, 'cause you, like, wanna be a better friend than me or something? I don't know if I can work with you again after you sell me out like a dick! Oh, okay. Watch out, yo.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Are you done? Yeah. Yeah, I'm done. I'm done with you. I'm done with this stupid film. All right? I'm done.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Not irrationally, though. Apply to Pittsburgh State.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Just waiting for Earl. Awright, awright.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Yeah, I like those too.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
But whatever.
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
(IN NORMAL ACCENT) In all seriousness, I am looking forward to college... ...because I didn't really fit in in high school, because of my weird rodent face... No. ...and a habit of saying the dumbest possible shit. No! The sheer pastiness of my complexion... ...overwhelms all who behold it with existential nausea. "In high school, I never truly felt comfortable... " my own skin. "In fact, I've always been someone... "...who doesn't really like themselves. "But I think that's because I have some growing up to do... "...and college is the place where I'm going to do it."
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
Are you seriously trying to turn this into some stupid sappy lesson? (MCCARTHY SIGHS)
Me & Earl & the Dying Girl
...I'd be upset and angry and trying to beat everybody's ass half the time.