A kiss on the forehead is the ultimate sign of respect. I learned that from a sheikh in Kuwait. A forehead kiss is really intimate. You know that, right? Like, I almost proposed to you. -[laughs] -[chuckles]
Vacation Friends
What is that? A Corvette, pre-owned? -It's a Ferrari, you dipshit. -$250,000. -Bought her brand-new. -Boom. [imitates sizzle] [Gabe] Now, Marcus, I understand a hundred dollars a hole is a lot of green for a blue-collar worker, so if you need to back out, go ahead and do it now. -Fuck you. -Fuck you. -No, fuck you. -Fuck you again. No, kiss my-- You know? Let me holla at you real quick. Can you excuse us?
Vacation Friends
-Even on vacation? -No.
Vacation Friends
It was great cocaine.
Vacation Friends
-[slurping] -Oh, that is good. Ron makes the best margaritas, and let me just tell you, girl. -Babe. -It gets the job done. [Ron] Indeed. So, Ron. What park do you work at? Oh. Oregon National Cave Monument. It's in Oregon. Whoa. You work in caves? I'm like Batman. If Batman's job was to keep kids from jacking off stalagmites. [Kyla] Totally. What about you guys? Uh, we're from Chicago, actually. I work in finance and Marcus owns his own construction company. Quick question. Um, why does the salt not taste salty? -Oh, because it's cocaine. -What?
Vacation Friends
[ominous music playing]
Vacation Friends
Fuck it.
Vacation Friends
One shot. I stick it on the 18th green from here, we win.
Vacation Friends
[Kyla sighs]
Vacation Friends
Oh. Well, it was a-- It's all a blur for me too. [chuckles] There's nothing clearly I remember at all. [chuckles] 'Cause I'm asking you.
Vacation Friends
This isn't easy to say, Marcus, but I think we've gotten off on the wrong foot. I see things my way, and-- [laughs] What's so funny? You're a clown!
Vacation Friends
[all screaming] [screaming]
Vacation Friends
You know something? [clattering]
Vacation Friends
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! What is wrong with y'all? Are you crazy? We in an airport! No, I will not mule your illegal drugs in my anus! -[laughs] -What?
Vacation Friends
So… um… [chuckles] …you know that night got a little-- got a little crazy, and we never-- we never actually discussed everything that happened. Like what?
Vacation Friends
[guests scream, gasp] [murmuring] What the hell is that?