- I'm out. - What? You cannot pull out of this. - I'm pulling out. - You're way too deep. - I'm pulling out. - No. You are leaving it in. - I've been pulling out for years. - You are not pulling out of this mission. That's the only reason we're here. We are doing this! Kim is not evil. He was just born into a hard situation. You are fucking stupid, and you are fucking ignorant.
The Interview
He said that my brothers and I were all too feminine.
The Interview
I'm glad to meet you. Okay.
The Interview
Does this thing still run?
The Interview
Why aren't I naked yet?
The Interview
Yes! Okay.
The Interview
Yes! Yes!
The Interview
Loyalty is what made my father and grandfather so successful. That's right. Hey, listen up. You. Without loyalty... a country is a lawless jungle.
The Interview
- Let's get the fuck out of here. - Wait! The puppy. - What happened to your hand? - Someone bit my fucking fingers off. - That's just like Frodo! - Whoa! Shit!
The Interview
A revolution Aaron and I had started. - Of course, in a tale like this... - Malcolm. You might expect to find some...
The Interview
You know, this is so weird. You are, like, the coolest guy. But a lot of people say... that you're batshit crazy.
The Interview
Desperately. Because I could never get it... from my father when I was a kid.
The Interview
I'm 31 years old. The fact that I am running a country is batshit crazy.
The Interview
Right. Well, can we look inside? Fuck, yeah, we can. Come on.