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We are different people.

The Interview

He ate it. He fucking ate it. - You're not supposed to touch it. - And he ate it. - Chewing. Chewing it! - Shit! Fuck. Shit! He's gonna die. Look, look, look. He's probably Kim's triggerman, okay? He's probably killed, like, tons of people. He's probably worse than Kim. And we're okay with killing Kim. How the fuck are we gonna do that? We don't have any poison anymore! Well, what happened to it? - Somebody ate it. - Someone ate it? - Why the fuck did you switch bags? - Yeah, Dave. All right, all right! I shouldn't have switched the bags. Sorry. Listen, just sit tight. I am going to contact you. Do not fall asleep. I'll figure out a way to fix this. - Thanks. Why'd you tell her? - It's the truth. - Why'd you tell her that he ate it? - He did! Dude. That was a cock block. Get me Major Franks at the Osan Air Force Base.

The Interview

We have a bird en route. It will be within range of you in 15 minutes. Aardvark: Your watch will transmit the coordinates to guide in the package. Get outside to a place with no tree cover where you can't be detected. - Okay? - What...? - Why do I have to do it? - Why you? If Dung Beetle gets caught or killed, then we don't have a mission anymore. - I could get caught or killed? - Hey! Put on your darkest clothes and get outside now. Make sure you are 20 yards away from the building.

The Interview

We speak different languages.

The Interview

Thank you.

The Interview

Balls to the wall!

The Interview

What the fuck...?

The Interview

I like your style.

The Interview

- That's it?! - Yes. Why didn't you tell me over the phone? Or Skype? Do you guys have Skype? Okay, well... Look, could you give me some water? That guy has water! Please give me a ride somewhere. I didn't pack well for this trip. I packed like a fool! Like a goddamn fool!

The Interview

What is that? The strongest ecstasy I've ever done in my life.

The Interview

No, no!

The Interview

I get it. Fucking stop it.

The Interview

Hello, North Korea! Crazy. - Okay, okay. - North side!

The Interview

I'm not...! No! I'm an American journalist. Aaron Rapaport. I was invited here. Please don't kill me!

The Interview

I am deeply humbled and profoundly honored... to accept this most awesome responsibility. Apparently Dave Skylark will be interviewing the dictator of North Korea. Hundred bucks, Skylark thinks he's the guy from "Gangnam Style." ...obscene glorification of a brutal dictator. This is a man who tortures, terrorizes and starves his own people. - Skylark is beneath despicable. - Fuck this. Meow. What a fucking bitch, am I right? No, you're not right. He's not being a bitch. He's completely right. He's motherfucking peanut butter and jealous! He's not jealous. - He's putting K-Y jealous all over his dick. - What is there to be jealous of?! Fuckers hate us because they ain't us. They hate us because we anus? What does anus have to do with this? They hate us because they ain't us. That's not what it is. - Yes, it is. - No, it's not. They hate us because we is us, and what we is doing is fucking terrible. - They hate us because they ain't us. - Stop saying that. - Hate us because they ain't us. - They don't! Hate us because they ain't us. I'm used to it. - They hate us because they ain't us. - Stop it. Stop it. Don't say it again!

The Interview

No, thank you. I'll just get it through secondhand smoke.

The Interview

Hello? Hello? Who this? - I am trying to reach Aaron Rapaport. - You got Aaron Rapaport. Who this is? You left word with our office regarding an interview. Look, Dave, is this you? Because if it is, you're doing a terrible Asian accent. Me so sorry. Me gots to go now, son. I am from the office of Sook-yin Park... Secretary of Communications for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Oh, my God.

The Interview

I'm going to motherfucking China, y'all.

The Interview