You know what I mean? Like, whatever. You get $125,000. You get $125,000. You get a... I mean, I'm like fucking Oprah here. You know? If she was a white dude at a carnival. Heh. Come on, guys. Let's get in the RV... and take our butts back to Denver where we're gonna be rich and we're gonna get paid. [HUMMING] - Come on, come on. - Uh, David, listen. You misled us. You left us. And then you come waltzing back in here all... I don't know what the hell that was... and you just expect that we all just forget about it. What's wrong with you?
We're the Millers
We're very flattered by this, but right now, in the middle of the night... I'm not sure I'm really ready for it. Aw, Don.
We're the Millers
Oh, I thought of one. I got one. [VIBRATOR HUMMING AND DON & EDIE GIGGLING]
We're the Millers
Is everybody okay? - Are you okay? - I'm fine. What...? ROSE: Fuck.
We're the Millers
Whoo! Did you see that? I told you this RV would work! We totally blend.
We're the Millers
- Look out! - Oh, no, please.
We're the Millers
“Ck-took. Okay.
We're the Millers
- Oh. - Oh.
We're the Millers
- You have no regrets? - Nope. - Not one? - Nope. Ha, ha. I wish I did. To talk about something. Not one regret, huh? That's how I been living my whole life. I went to a tattoo artist, I was like: "This how I live. Can you put that on my body?" - And he did it. - Dad. - Not even a single letter? - No, I can't think of one. - I love all the letters, know what I'm saying? - Yeah. A lot of letters in the alphabet. How many? - It's in the 20s. - It's definitely in the 20s, I agree. Twenty-six, I think, if you count Y. - Do you have any questions for us, Scottie P? - Dad.
We're the Millers
- Uh, Casey. - Aw, that's very sweet of you. He wants to know how we made Casey so hot. - It's, uh... - You guys had to... DAVID: What'd you ask us? - ...seminate, like, each other? Uh... Sorry'? - [MOUTHS] Oh, my God. - Like, is there a way to make them, like... attractive? Like, kids?
We're the Millers
Yep. Right there at the end. It's the best way to spell it. - That's what my mother thought. Heh. - Heh.
We're the Millers
Enough! Let's get something straight right now! You are not my kids! Okay?
We're the Millers
Ah, come on. You're a lot more than that, Rose, and you know it.
We're the Millers
Fine! Whatever! Sorry. - Whoa! - Thank you!
We're the Millers
What's your real name?
We're the Millers
It's gonna be great.
We're the Millers
We're the Millers
Oh, 0h, 0h! One more sec, okay? Hold on, one second. Don't freak. EDIE: When you're a synchronized swimmer... you can't use a maxi pad, you can see it. So my friend bought me a box of tampins. And I'll tell you, I had a hard time inserting those. - It would just stick halfway out. ROSE: Mm-hm.