Hola, Pablo. Es Brad. Okay. Here me out. I wanna ask you something.
We're the Millers
- Doggie style. Know what I mean? SCOTTIE: Dope. [LAUGHS] - Dad. - Well, I love him. I think he's great. A real winner. If I were you, I wouldn't use protection. Scottie P., you're the man. - Yo, for real. Thanks, man. - We're leaving. Bye!
We're the Millers
- What's that? - I don't know. CASEY: Don't answer it! It's for me! - What?
We're the Millers
We should ask you the same thing, young lady! Huh?
We're the Millers
Oh! There he is. Kenny! - Okay, let's go. - Oh, my God, you look so much better. - Doesn't he? - Like a thousand bucks. Let's go.
We're the Millers
Fine! Whatever! Sorry. - Whoa! - Thank you!
We're the Millers
It's gonna be great.
We're the Millers
You have a hair...
We're the Millers
I'll tell him you're here. Can I get you something? Coffee. Tea. Fresca. DAVID: Hmm.
We're the Millers
Easy. Oof! Okay. I'm gonna hang out here if that's all right. Oh, thank you for that. That's very helpful. Oh! David Clark. You're a hard man to find. Take it easy on the plastic. Whoa, Brad, what the fuck is this?
We're the Millers
DAVID: Please don't tell me where we're going. I love surprises.
We're the Millers
We're the Millers
DAVID: So you bought a whale? Well, I don't like sports cars. - Yeah, yeah. - So where's my money, David?
We're the Millers
No offense, you look like a total drug dealer. - No shit. Thanks, dude. - You could wear a disguise.
We're the Millers
Oh, jeez. I'm awful sorry, officer. I don't know which way is up around here. No problem. Our city can get confusing sometimes. MAN: Trying to find our way to the zoo. It's two blocks up that way, take a left, two blocks...
We're the Millers
Holy fucking shit.
We're the Millers
- What? - A disguise. That's what I thought. A disguise. I dress up. What's the hot Halloween outfit these days? Bane from Batman? Someone like that? Wear something over my face? [AS BANE] There's no drugs in here. You've got nothing to worry about. [IN NORMAL VOICE] Great idea. [HORN HONKING] Hey, pardon me. Hi. Hate to bug you, but I'm trying to get the fam to the zoo and I'm lost as all heck. Fuck off, real-life Flanders.