- We got you now. - Unh! MAN 1: Do whatever's in the safe too. MAN 2: Look at that. DAVID: It's not even my money. If you take that my boss will kill me.
We're the Millers
Yeah, the plastic. I've seen Dexter. Buddy, I'm putting in a new skylight, you idiot. Ha, ha.
We're the Millers
You should have seen your face just now. You shit a brick.
We're the Millers
Yeah, Brad, I know. Ha-ha. All right, have a seat.
We're the Millers
What? Oh, my orca? Yeah, I bought an orca. [SIGHS]
We're the Millers
Replenishes electrolytes. Don't want you cramping up when you jerk each other off. Nice meeting you.
We're the Millers
MAN: Yeah!
We're the Millers
Twenty-five years in Mexican prison. If you get a happy judge.
We're the Millers
You could be my mule. I need someone I can trust. Go to Mexico, bring it back by Sunday night, not only will I forgive your debt... I will pay you a standard courier fee of $100,000.
We're the Millers
- Great. - I have a smidge of very choice... mari-ju-ana down in Mexico... and I need it here by Sunday night. My regular courier is out because he got gunned down.
We're the Millers
Listen, this is a fucked-up situation. But I might have a win-win for both of us.
We're the Millers
No offense, you look like a total drug dealer. - No shit. Thanks, dude. - You could wear a disguise.
We're the Millers
All right? And then we drive home together in an RV. ROSE: Mm-hm. - And that RV has some pot in it. - Drug dealing? No, it's not drug dealing. It's not. No, it's smuggling. - Are you out of your mind? - Rose, listen to me.
We're the Millers
- What did she say? - What the fuck do you think? She said no. Cool. So I guess it's just us, then. A little father and son bonding trip to Mexico.
We're the Millers
Pretty Woman? She was a prostitute. And I don't trust you.
We're the Millers
Great. And if we get caught I'll say you drugged and kidnapped me. Cool?