- Whatever. - It's funny, because just the other day... ...me and my boy, we was wondering why they even call them roofies. - You know what I'm talking about? - No. Don't know. Why not floories, right? Because when you take them... ...you're more likely to end up on the floor than the roof. What about groundies? That's a good new name for them. Or, how about rapies?
The Hangover
PHIL [ON VIDEO]: This is how you walk. This is how you walk. - Oh, it's Doug. - Oh, thank God he's alive. That's our buddy. That's who we've been missing. We're all best friends. Why don't you just pay attention? I don't have all night. Yeah, of course. Of course.
The Hangover
When we got back, we took a look at the security cameras. Great.