GIRL: Fat Jesus. FRANKLIN: All right, now, it's real simple. All you gotta do is point, aim and shoot. All right? Okay, look. You don't really wanna do this. You can do this. Just focus. Don't listen to this maniac. Let's think this through. Finish him! PHIL: Oh, fuck. FRANKLIN: Yeah! [GRUNTING & FRANKLIN LAUGHING] Right in the nuts! That was beautiful. [KIDS LAUGH] - Well done. Give her a hand, everybody. - Good job. Good job. Good job. Well done. Good job. That was great. Good. Hey, we got one more charge left. Anybody wanna do some shooting up here? How about you, big man? Come on up here. Okay, same instructions. Just point, aim and shoot.
The Hangover
- Whose are those? - I don't know. It's a men's size 6. - That's weird. - What is this, a snakeskin? Oh, come on! Ew! - That's a used condom, Alan. - Oh, God. Blech! - Get it out of the car. STU: Gross, it's wet. - I don't want the thing. - Hey! Come on. I got jizz on me. Jesus Christ, guys! STU: Get it out. PHIL: Fuck!
The Hangover
STU: Fuck those guys, you hear me? That was bullshit. I'm telling everybody we stole a cop car. - They let us go, who cares? - I care! You can't just do that. You can't just tase people because you think it's funny. That's police brutality. I'm getting a soda. Do you guys want anything? No.
The Hangover
All right, what the fuck, man? We gotta get this shit together, guys! [THUMPING ON METAL]
The Hangover
But if one of my kids went missing on a field trip...
The Hangover
My man doesn't shut up. Jesus Christ.
The Hangover
- Thank you. - Hey.
The Hangover
- What is that? - Blood brothers. - Don't... Why did you...? - Damn it. - Here. - Alan... - No. - No, I'm not doing that. ALAN: Go ahead, Stuart. - Make him stop. Alan, we're not gonna cut ourselves. Give me the knife. Slowly. Thank you. Okay. Thank you very much. PHIL: You all right? Are you okay? ALAN: Mm-hm. - Do you need a doctor? - He's good. PHIL: You sure? ALAN: I'm good. All right, good, because I need everybody to focus. I wanna take a moment, I wanna talk about some... I wanna talk about memory. No, better yet, I wanna talk about selective memory. You see, whatever happens here tonight may as well never have happened at all...
The Hangover
[TIGER GROWLS] - Oh! Holy fuck! He's not kidding. ALAN: See? See? - There's a tiger in there. - No, there isn't. Yeah! - It's big. Gigantic. - You okay, buddy? No. I am in so much pain right now. Goddamn. Look at this place. Whew. I know. Phil, they have my credit card downstairs. I am so screwed. How does a tiger get in the bathroom? It almost killed me. Hey, bro? You mind putting on some pants? I find it a little weird I have to ask twice. ALAN: Pants at a time like this? I don't have any p...
The Hangover
You're okay. Ha, ha, ha! Oh, God. We gotta go, buddy. Come on. Oh, we have been looking everywhere for you. - He's alive. - What the fuck is going on? We can explain everything, but right now we gotta go. - Hey, bud. You okay? - No. Not okay. You look good, you got some color. I'm jealous. - I'm getting married today. - Yes, you are. That's why you need to focus and do everything we say. Because, frankly, you're wasting a little bit of time right now. You fucking asshole!
The Hangover
- Whoa, watch it, pervert! - Alan, he's just doing your inseam. - He's getting very close to my shaft. - All done. You can change now. Right. Thanks, Floyd. Thank you very much.
The Hangover
- Thank you. [IN NORMAL VOICE] No, thank you.
The Hangover
The Hangover
The Hangover
DOUG: Oh, it's like college. - All right. I wanna talk about something. DOUG: All right. - I want to... ALAN: I'd like to...
The Hangover
Yeah, no, there's no TVs, no phones. They just have these cute little antique radios in all the rooms. Yeah.
The Hangover
Thank you, guys. Or should I say, "Thank you, Stu"? You're welcome. It's only because I love you.
The Hangover
"Hello. How about that ride in? I guess that's why they call it Sin City.