[Scoffs] [Muttering] Damn. Yo, you guys comin' or what? [Rap Continues, In Background]
8 Mile
[Slapping Hands] - Thank you. - It's on tonight, Rabbit.
8 Mile
I could end your shit right now, and nobody would even miss your ass.
8 Mile
Hey, Manny! Thanks.
8 Mile
Come on. He's done.
8 Mile
- For real? - Yeah.
8 Mile
I fell.
8 Mile
[All Laughing] You again? It look like a fuckin' handicap convention in here. - Bunch of crippled motherfuckers. - Oh, yeah. Don't shoot!
8 Mile
I apologize... Stop it. Don't do it. I ain't even trip. But you just make sure... you flip the script on this shit tonight. You understand me? Hmm?
8 Mile
[Sighing] Can I give you a ride? There's some things... No, I'm cool. Workin' overtime. Saving up for something special? Yeah. Studio time.
8 Mile
What up? Shit. Waitin' on this slow-ass ride. What are you still doin' here? Somebody called in sick, so I'm just fillin' in.
8 Mile
- Hey.! It's Rabbit.! Hey.! - Come on, man. [Cheddar Bob] Yo, Rabbit, wait up!
8 Mile
She ain't waitin' on me. I'll be back.
8 Mile
I didn't say you were.
8 Mile
[Rap, Muffled]
8 Mile
Yo, I need to get some privacy, guys. Can I come?
8 Mile
[Drum Track] Free World, okay? Tell you somethin'. [Bass, Rhythmic Shouting] Check this out. Check this out. Yo. This guy's a choke artist. You catch a bad one, you better off shootin' yourself with Papa Doc's handgun Climbin' up this mountain You're weak, I leave you lost without a paddle Floatin'up shit's creek You ain't Detroit, I'm the "D" You the new kid on the block 'bout to get smacked back to the boondocks Fuckin' Nazi Your squad ain't your type Take some real advice And form a group with Vanilla Ice And what I tell you You better use it This guy's a hillbilly This ain't Willie Nelson music Trailer trash, I'll choke you to your last breath And have you look foolish Like Cheddar Bob when he shot himself Silly Rabbit I know why they call you that 'Cause you follow Future Like he got carrots up his ass crack And when you acted up That's when you got jacked up and act stupid Like Tina Turner when she got smacked up I crack your shoulder blade You'll get dropped so hard That Elvis'll start turnin' in his grave - [Laughing, Groaning] - Now I know why they left you out in the dark Take your white ass back across 8 Mile to the trailer park Oh, no, oh.! Okay, okay, okay. Okay, okay. Very nice, very nice. Let me get that mike, man. Pretty good, pretty good. Hip-hop 101. Hey, Bunny Rabbit. It's your turn, baby. Forty-five seconds. Let this motherfucker feel it. A'ight? Yo, D.J., spin that shit.
8 Mile
Okay. Where the fuck is B-Rabbit? B-Rabbit? What're you sayin' brother? Got everybody waitin; All right, let you all know, it's gonna be blazin' up in this bitch tonight. Got a lot of dope rappers comin'to the stage, and it's gonna be nice. One of these cats is goin'down a winner via sweet Papa Doc. Trust me. If this shit is goin'where I think it is, I might want to stick around. Come to the stage, Rabbit. Come to the stage.! B-Rabbit, where you at? Oh, there he is. Come on. All right, make way for the Rabbit. Let him come through.