This is so stupid. So stupid. Why didn't I listen to my friends?
The Edge of Seventeen
-Fuck! -What? I don't understand you. What do you-- What? What do you want? What do you mean? What do you want? To talk, to get to know you, not just do it in the first five seconds. You wrote me a novel about how you were dying to blow me in Petland, you psycho. I'm not here to get to know you.
The Edge of Seventeen
Or we could sit here silently in your Mercury Marquis all night.
The Edge of Seventeen
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
The Edge of Seventeen
-Okay. -[laughs] I'm just kidding. I was just-- You know that I was just-- I was just playing out the movie scene. You ever feel like you have to do that? There's a waterfall. It's all romantic. Sure. Yeah. Right. I'm sorry. I just-- Whatever. What are you, mad now? You can't be mad. You were gonna have sex with me two seconds ago. -You don't say that stuff to a man. -Oh, a man, huh?
The Edge of Seventeen
Guess what.
The Edge of Seventeen
God, just have a good time. Just relax. Just relax. Have a good time. Go talk to people. Okay? All right, great. Yeah, perfect. I'll do that. [chattering]
The Edge of Seventeen
[Darian] Here's a Miller.
The Edge of Seventeen
[woman singing pop music on stereo]
The Edge of Seventeen
[line ringing] [Nadine's voice] Look, you know what to do. I'm not gonna be an asshole and tell you. [line ringing] Look, you know what to do. ♪ She drive me crazy ♪
The Edge of Seventeen
Oh, my God. You're right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
The Edge of Seventeen
Can I have this hole punch? Give that to me. I want you to just sit there for the next eight hours and don't touch anything and don't make any noise.