Cool. And just clean up all this dog urine. [chuckles] Yeah, right. [laughs]
The Edge of Seventeen
I just thought that someone should know. I don't know how this works. I'm probably gonna jump off an overpass in front of a semi, so-- Or a U-Haul. Not a bus. I'm not gonna be a dick and make people watch. But it has to be big. It's gotta be so big that it just-- Done. Kills me. Lights out. 'Cause if it just maims me and I'm like-- Well, how's that good for anyone? Then I gotta find a nurse to smother me. How am I gonna get across "smothering" if I'm-- We don't need to get caught up in the minutia. I just thought that an adult-- You should know.
The Edge of Seventeen
-Bye, sweetheart. -[door closes] Oh, check it out. Okay, boss lady, see you tonight.
The Edge of Seventeen
-[buzzing] -♪ If I left without you ♪ -Hey. -Hey. I heard you were looking for me at lunch. Yeah, I can't talk right now. Oh, okay. [line disconnects] I just got-- Okay.
The Edge of Seventeen
The Edge of Seventeen
[thunder rumbling]
The Edge of Seventeen
Hey, um, I gotta talk to you about some homework.
The Edge of Seventeen
I don't know. I don't know. I don't-- I swear I don't even know what happened. I don't even know how it happened. It was-- I don't know. I am so sorry. I'm so sorry.
The Edge of Seventeen
I should go in there and be like, "Excuse me, where are the beta fish? Also, could you put your penis inside me?" Oh! Not you. God. What if you actually did that? What if you lost your virginity in a Petland? I think it'd be kind of nice. All the little tropical fish watching. It'd be kind of spiritual. [laughs] [school bell rings]
The Edge of Seventeen
-What the hell? -[whirring]
The Edge of Seventeen
Hey, Nick, I sent you a friend request a while ago. Maybe you just skipped over it or sometimes there's a glitch and Facebook doesn't send the e-mail, so I just thought that I'd...
The Edge of Seventeen
[line ringing] [ringtone] Hello? Sorry. Um, I just took some medicine. I'll call after it kicks in. Wait. What's wrong? Are you-- Are you sick? No, I'm fine. I'm not. No. Medicine. Like-- Like an antidepressant, whatever. They gave them to me when my dad died. I was only on them for a month though. People take them all the time. It's totally normal.
The Edge of Seventeen
Rad self-portrait.
The Edge of Seventeen
I didn't need to talk to you about homework. I lied.
The Edge of Seventeen
Nadine, we're not doing this again. You promised. Now get out of the car.
The Edge of Seventeen
I just don't have anybody else. You're the only one.