Found 899 results
God didn't give me this. Why should he take it away?
Suicide Squad
What happened?
Suicide Squad
I like putting it on.
Suicide Squad
I was gonna say, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Suicide Squad
You're going somewhere very bad, to do something that'll get you killed. But until that happens, you're my problem. DEADSHOT: Mmm.
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
What? I saw it move.
Suicide Squad
SOLDIER: Savior One-Zero, this is Ground Element.
Suicide Squad
Freedom! You remember that, don't you?
Suicide Squad
Come on, do the bastard.
Suicide Squad
MAN: I'm a physician. WOMAN: (ON RADIO) Roger. Bringing medical to your location. No pulse. Starting compressions.
Suicide Squad
This is the deal.
Suicide Squad
HARLEY: Harley Quinn. Nice to meet ya. Love your perfume. What is that? The stench of death?
Suicide Squad