- I'm sorry. Sorry. - No, no, no. Now's not the time. You're right. Now is the time to nut up and get ready for the near-death adrenaline rush of Buffalo's 1998 winner of the fourth-finest roller coaster. - I know. I know. It's good. - Do you think you can handle it? Do you think I can still handle it? [screaming] Baby! - You're so crazy! - You know I love you! - I love you! - Yeah! [screaming, laughing] - [screams] Whoa! - [screaming]
The Family Plan
How are you doing this? No, no, no. No, don't-- [sighs]
The Family Plan
["Chaise Longue" playing]
The Family Plan
- Oh, my God. - [chuckles] Mmm.
The Family Plan
[Gwen] Oh, boy. Hey, maybe you can help me with my guy problems then. - How about that? - I'd love to. [clicks tongue] Remember that ex I told you about in Buffalo? - Yeah. - We were together for years. It was good. I mean, it was really good. [sucks teeth] You know when you just can't get enough of each other physically? I thought he was the one, and then he just threw it all away. Married some other woman who was the complete opposite of me. And the worst part... she's insufferable.
The Family Plan
[Max babbling]
The Family Plan
All right. I think it's just down here. You're gonna love it. I already hate it. [spectators cheering, whistling] [announcer] Welcome to the HyperX Arena. Five minutes until our final round.
The Family Plan
I gotta tell you, Beans. You've got a hell of a voice, and it deserves to be heard.
The Family Plan
- [chuckling, panting] - [Kyle] Oh, my God. Mom.
The Family Plan
But since we're here...
The Family Plan
We're gonna go find your dad.
The Family Plan
[no audible dialogue] [chuckles]
The Family Plan
Go, go, go, go. Underneath. Underneath. Go. Go, go, go, go, go. - [Nina] Wai-- Wait. No. - Look after your brothers. Don't make a sound. Do not leave Max, whatever happens. [breathes heavily]
The Family Plan
How's the family?
The Family Plan
You couldn't let it go, could you? [sighs] You know me better than that. Look, you can have me, but I want your word that you won't go after my family. "Go after"? You're a little behind, buddy boy.