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Mommy, I love you.

Violent Night

I know. I know all about your extraction team that you affectionately call "the Kill Squad" behind closed doors. I also know that they're on their way and how long it's gonna take 'em to get here. I even know their credit ratings and their dick sizes. If you get me. Then you should also know you're already dead. We don't do ransoms. Again, I know. I know. See, I know a lot, Gertrude. I really do. Like the fact that you have 300 million in U.S. dollars sitting in your personal vault downstairs. - The fuck? - That's right. 300 million that the U.S. government gave Lightstone to quietly distribute in the Middle East to all the worst people, to grease the wheels and keep that sweet oil flowing. 300 million that... oops... Disappeared in the fog of war. Except it didn't really disappear, did it, Gerty? 'Cause you stole it. Did you know about this? Man, this family. This moneygrubbing family. Clinging desperately to your wealth, when your poor employees don't even have enough coal to keep Tiny Tim warm. What is it with you and all this Christmas shit? Talk all you want. You'll never get in the vault. Oh, oh, oh, because when you-you hit the panic button, it reset the combination? I keep telling you, I know.

Violent Night

If they didn't have guns, I could take out three, maybe four of them. Try all of them. Ew, Mom. Yuck. If you'd really done your research, you'd know that my brother Rory was kidnapped in the '70s.

Violent Night

But my father never called the police. Dad sent in our own private extraction team, and Rory was home safe and sound a week later. And the kidnappers were never found. If you get me.

Violent Night

Hello? Santa? Are you there? Shit.

Violent Night

You know what? Um, I think Mr. Bunny wants to go to sleep. So, let's tuck him in. Okay?

Violent Night

Wow, a big fat guy, gray beard. Eh? Santa... I'm gonna rip your fucking balls off.

Violent Night

This is what breaking into a vault has turned into? Remember when you just had to drill holes and blow shit up? I don't know, maybe I'm getting old, but there was something romantic about that. Boss, you copy? I'm kind of busy here. You're gonna want to see this.

Violent Night

- ♪ Mamacita ♪ - ♪ Mamacita, ah-ooh ♪ ♪ ¿Dónde está Santa Claus? ♪ ♪ Oh, where is Santa Claus? ♪ ♪ Mamacita, ah-ooh ♪ ♪ It's Christmas Eve ♪ ♪ Christmas Eve ♪ ♪ I hope he won't forget ♪ ♪ To crack his castanets ♪ ♪ And to his reindeer say ♪ ♪ "Oh, Pancho, oh, Vixen, oh, Pedro, oh, Blitzen ♪ ♪ Olé, olé, olé" ♪ - ♪ Mamacita ♪ - ♪ Mamacita, ah-ooh ♪ ♪ ¿Dónde está Santa Claus? ♪ ♪ Mamacita, ah-ooh ♪ ♪ Oh, where is Santa Claus? ♪ ♪ Mamacita, ah-ooh ♪ - ♪ It's Christmas Eve ♪ - ♪ Christmas Eve ♪ ♪ It's Christmas Eve ♪ ♪ Mamacita ♪ - ♪ It's Christmas Eve ♪ - ♪ Mamacita. ♪

Violent Night

All right, it's official. We got a gopher on the loose, and he's dangerous. Watch your backs.

Violent Night

Whew. Whew. This is Candy Cane checking in. Compound is clear and secured.

Violent Night

Right. Did you ever have a mommy and daddy? Yeah, of course I had a mommy and daddy. I wasn't... I wasn't always Santa Claus. I had a life before this. A long, long, long time ago. They used to call me, uh... Nicomund. Nicomund the Red. You had a different job then? Yeah, you could say that. I was a warrior. A raider. A thief. And if somebody got in my way, me and Skullcrusher would... Who's Skullcrusher? Skullcrusher's my, uh... my hammer. My favorite hammer. I was a surgeon with that thing. Used to be able to take three heads, line 'em up... But why? What? Why'd you do those things? Because I was mean. And I was greedy. And I wanted gold, jewels. Yeah, I mean, if there was a naughty list back then, I'd be top dog. Well, maybe... What? Maybe all those bad things you used to do... maybe you can use them to do good things instead. To help. What do you mean? Mr. Bunny, he wasn't just a toy. That night, you gave me what I wished for. A best friend. 'Cause you're good and kind. And you mean more than just the presents you bring. That's why I believe in you, Santa. That's why I believe. Thank you. You stay hidden, Trudy, till I come get you. Stay safe.

Violent Night

Do you still love her? Yeah, I do.

Violent Night

Come on. Where's the Christmas spirit? Uh...

Violent Night

What's the card say? I think I'll just keep that between Jason and I. No one really needs to know. Right, Jason?

Violent Night

Hey. I've got an idea. This will be fun.

Violent Night

Hold on. Just... Sorry. - Um... - What? What? Uh, what if you randomly shoot the only person who knows where it is?

Violent Night

Okay, well, he looks jolly as fuck, but who the hell is he? There's no Santa listed on the employee manifest. Yeah, there's more. Frosty hasn't checked in. I can't reach him. All right, keep trying.

Violent Night