Found 899 results
You tell everybody everything.
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
Y'all jokers must be crazy. (HIP HOP MUSIC PLAYING)
Suicide Squad
Look at that, right there. Vulcanized rubber.
Suicide Squad
She went somewhere.
Suicide Squad
I want you to come live with me.
Suicide Squad
I've eaten a lot of canaries.
Suicide Squad
You know, that's how that's supposed to work.
Suicide Squad
You just get them to the top of that target building and get my rescuee on that extraction helo.
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
GRIGGS: Open that gate.
Suicide Squad
I want my mission.
Suicide Squad
AMANDA: The Joker and Harley Quinn are no more. (GROWLS)
Suicide Squad
Move. You got a boyfriend?
Suicide Squad
We're going live with Task Force X. Pull 'em. (INDISTINCT SHOUTING)
Suicide Squad