He was putting you in the attic! He left us on the curb! - All right, calm down! Both of you! - Okay, fine. Fine. Just wait till you see what daycare's like. - Why? What's it like? - Daycare is a sad, lonely place for washed-up old toys who have no owners.
Toy Story 3
- So now what do we do? - We go back to Andy's. - Anyone see an exit? - Exit, shmexit. Let's get played with. Careful. These toys might be jealous of new arrivals.
Toy Story 3
Can anyone see anything? - There's a playground! - Wow! We hit the jackpot, Bullseye! So much for sad and lonely, huh? Okay. Calm down, guys. Let's just keep this in perspective. Perspective? This place is perfect. Woody, it's nice! See? The door has a rainbow on it.
Toy Story 3
Thanks, guys.
Toy Story 3
They mean a lot to me.
Toy Story 3
What's the matter with you?
Toy Story 3
He's fine, Buzz. Andy's taking him to college.
Toy Story 3
This doesn't make any sense. I should have seen this coming. It's Emily all over again. - Sarge was right. - Yeah, and Woody was wrong. Wait a minute. Wait, hold on. This is no time to be hysterical. It's the perfect time to be hysterical. - Should we be hysterical? - No! - Yes! - Maybe! But not right now!
Toy Story 3
Well, just you wait. In a few minutes, that bell's gonna ring, and you'll get the playtime that you've been dreamin' of. Play! Real play! I can't wait! Now, if you'll excuse us, we best be headin' back. Welcome to Sunnyside, folks. - Thank you. - Take care, pinky. - Goodbye, Mr. Lotso. Thank you. - Thank you, buddy boy. - Will I see you again? - I 'll see you tonight in my dreams.
Toy Story 3
What the heck?
Toy Story 3
You're right. Come on.
Toy Story 3
Welcome to Sunnyside, folks. I 'm Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear.
Toy Story 3
Push! Push! I can hear the garbage truck!
Toy Story 3
It's my friend Woody.
Toy Story 3
Ken, let's get a move on.
Toy Story 3
Poor baby. We were thrown out together, me and him. Abandoned by the same owner.
Toy Story 3
Sounds like kids to me. I want to get played with. Why can't time go faster? How many you reckon are out there? They sound so sweet.