You would not believe what I 've been through tonight. Darling! Are you okay? I feel fresh. Healthy. It's terrible. You've lost weight. And so tall.
Toy Story 3
What took you so long? Things got complicated. Where's Potato Head? We haven't seen him. Buzz. Did you fix Buzz?
Toy Story 3
- Sort of. - Behind you.
Toy Story 3
Good luck, cowboy.
Toy Story 3
Here they come.
Toy Story 3
Come on, Buzz!
Toy Story 3
Now, we need toys in our Caterpillar Room and you need to avoid that truck. Why don't you come on back, join our family again? This isn't a family! It's a prison! You're a liar and a bully! And I 'd rather rot in this dumpster than join any family of yours! Jessie's right! Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from the threat of force.
Toy Story 3
- Now what did you do? - I just did what you told me! Amigos! We're all amigos. We gotta switch him back. - Well, how do we do that? - I don't know. That part's in Spanish. We don't have time for this. Come on, El Buzzo.
Toy Story 3
Oh, Ken! Everyone, listen! Sunnyside could be cool and groovy if we treated each other fair.
Toy Story 3
- Okay, now what? - All right, let's see. "Caution. Do not hold button for more than five seconds."
Toy Story 3
If that's what you want.
Toy Story 3
Speak of the devil.
Toy Story 3
It's not my fault!
Toy Story 3
Tell me this, Sheriff. If your kid loves you so much, why is he leaving?
Toy Story 3
They broke me. What are y'all doing? Running back to your kid?