- Can I have your stereo? - No. - Why not? - 'Cause I 'm taking it with me. - Can I have your computer? - No. - Your video games? - Forget it, Molly. Okay. Andy, let's get to work here. Anything you're not taking to college either goes in the attic, or it's trash. - Mom, I 'm not leaving till Friday. - Come on. It's garbage day. - Mom. - Look, it's simple. Skateboard, college. Little League trophy, probably attic. Apple core, trash. You can do the rest.
Toy Story 3
Hey, buddy. You might wanna keep your mouth shut.
Toy Story 3
- You guys have a map? - We're on it, cowboy. Trixie?
Toy Story 3
- Think you're gettin' old? - Wow. Well, stop your worryin'. Our repair spa will keep you stuffed, puffed, and lightly buffed.
Toy Story 3
Listen up, folks. We got a way of doin' things here at Sunnyside.
Toy Story 3
- It won't rip! - Forget it! It's triple-ply, high-density polyethylene! There's gotta be a way out! Andy doesn't want us. What's the point?
Toy Story 3
I 'll fire up the computer.
Toy Story 3
- Holy cow! - And you didn't believe him. Hey, you didn't believe him first! Guys, we gotta... We gotta go home!
Toy Story 3
You're a wallflower.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
I'll help you study for the next one. Will you? Yeah. Ofcourse.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Hey. Thanks for paying, Charlie. No problem. Thankyou guys for the ride. Maybe I'll see you around in school? - God, would you turn it down? You're gonna make us deaf. - So be it. It's rock and roll.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Bullshit. The cafeteria is called the Nutrition Center. People wear their letterjackets even when it's 98 degrees out. And why do they give out letterjackets to marching band?
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Are you ready to meet some desperate women? Here, have a seat. Hey, ladies.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
- Are you baked? - Like a cake. That's what Bob said. And you can't have three on a match because then they'd find us. And everybody laughed but I don't understand what's funny.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
I need you to promise... that you're not gonna say anything to anyone about me and Brad.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Who was that kid? Relax. Relax. He's a friend of mine.