Hardly worth daily scale... ...let alone the extravagant bonus her father, Crocker Fenway... ...had insisted on paying when Doc finally brought Japonica back home. So, what have you been up to? Escaping, mostly. And I escape real good. Escaping what? Chryskylodon. This, like, booby hatch my parents keep sending me to. "Booby hatch"? - Up in Ojai? - You know it? Shakes a tambourine.
Inherent Vice
Denis, I'm-a go look around. Wanna wait in the car or come cover my back? I was gonna try to go find a pizza. Is that okay? Now you recall this is stick shift, not automatic and so forth? It's easy as pie, Doc.
Inherent Vice
Inherent Vice
You got it, lieutenant.
Inherent Vice
...no Cielo Drive for Bigfoot.
Inherent Vice
Man, like, I'm sorry. Denis, what is it this time? That's my steering wheel? - I don't know how to drive. - Aw, man, I thought you said you... Hey. Smile Maintenance Chick. How lovely. Miss Fenway may appear a little psychotic today. Groovy.
Inherent Vice
What's up, man? How can I help you today? There's this white boy I was in the joint with. Aryan Brotherhood. We did some business, and, uh, now we're both out and he still owes me. I can't tell you the details, but it's a whole lot of money. Mm. How about his name? Glen Charlock. Mm-hm. And, urn, you know where he's staying now? I know where he works. He's a bodyguard for this builder named Wolfmann.
Inherent Vice
Japonica Fenway?
Inherent Vice
You're not Dr. Rudy.
Inherent Vice
The lamps.
Inherent Vice
[YELLS IN JAPANESE] MAN: Okay, it's coming!
Inherent Vice
BLATNOYD: I don't know what this is. What is it? It's oriental or something. Is it Chinese?
Inherent Vice
[MOUTHS] What the fuck? THREEPLY: ...encapsulated in the charming phrase: [SPEAKS IN JAPAN ESE] Which means, of course, "You must be very tired." Which brings us to the institute's own Zen garden imported from Kyoto. But each textured pebble, each grain of white sand... ...was transported and reassembled here exactly in place... ...by a team of some of our more obsessive patients.
Inherent Vice
It's ringing. WOMAN [ON RECORDING]: Howdy, dopers. We've got whatever you need. And remember: the sooner you get over here, the more there 'll be left for you. So come on down to 4723 Sunset Boulevard. You better hurry. DOC: Okay, I'm sorry, who is it that I'm talking to? - She hung up. SHASTA: Let's go! She's screaming at you: “Stay away! I'm a police trap!"
Inherent Vice
The reality, however...
Inherent Vice
Pancakes aren't quite as good as my mother's, but what I really go for here is the respect. Respect. You didn't get enough of that from your mom.
Inherent Vice
Okay, okay. Oh, God, I'm actually gonna have a heart attack. Actually my heart is racing like a little... [FLASHLIGHT TAPS] BLATNOYD: What? - Yes, sir? POLICEMAN: I'm gonna hand these in... ...and as long as there aren't any wants or warrants... ...you won't hear any more about this. - Thank you, officer. DENIS: Thank you, sir. DOC: Drive safely.