Are we done? Hm? We will convene tomorrow after the funeral. I will nominate some scapegoats. We can arraign a couple of the officers who fired. - No harm done. - Are you okay? Only comrades and friends could shout at each other like this. Right, so we'll fix this in committee, all right? Right, right... He's using you, Georgy. He's using you and then he's gonna kill you. - You saw those papers. - What are you talking about? Jesus, Nicky, he was pointing at you. He wasn't pointing at me. No, he said "all of you". No, no. I was over there, you know? - And he went "all of you". - Yeah, "all of you". - No, no. - Yes. - "All of you." - All of us. No, he said "all of you". You know, all of you can kiss my Russian arse. All of you.
The Death of Stalin
Are you all right? He fell very hard. Why did you let him do that? Yes, I should have intercepted his fist with my face. I want to make a speech at my father's funeral. - And I want to fuck Grace Kelly. - I simply don't care. I want to make a speech at my father's funeral. Comrade Malenkov, your view? Well, I think, um... it can be, um... - no... no problem. - Ah... Technically, yes, but practically... There are programmatic complications. You know, I think I misspoke when I said, "No problem." What I meant was, "No." "Problem."
The Death of Stalin
Implement our lists.
The Death of Stalin
It's great to have you back.
The Death of Stalin
New lists. Ladies and gentlemen, reset your watches.
The Death of Stalin
He was liberal. - Radical. - He was radical. This is a blatant attempt by Comrade Beria to buy the support of the public. I thought you were in favour of a more liberal approach, Comrade Reformer. All those in favour of pausing the arrests, of pausing the executions?
The Death of Stalin
- Well, I'd kept her as... - Yeah, but I just want one person.
The Death of Stalin
If you could do me a favour and just nod as I'm speaking. People are looking to me for reassurance and I have no idea what is going on. We will bring the situation under control. Order will be restored. This moron has restarted the trains. And your men pissed their pants and killed 1500 people. We were controlling the crowd. Those people weren't supposed to be there. Are you blaming the dead for their own death? I'm gonna tell you who's going to be blamed. I am going to be blamed. This shit sack is going to be blamed.
The Death of Stalin
Guns, please, gentlemen. Take good care of this. Don't want it going off. Today we pause. We pause in grief and sorrow. But is not a pause in itself part of the revolution?
The Death of Stalin
I've seen what you've done. I know the truth. It's all written down. It's all written down on a very... on a very fucking long list!
The Death of Stalin
Christ. You look like you're about to be bulldozed into a lime pit. Need your toilet.
The Death of Stalin
- So, in accordance... - I call this meeting to order. My apologies.
The Death of Stalin
Let's smarten you up for Comrade Molotov.
The Death of Stalin
Come on, let's go.
The Death of Stalin
The Death of Stalin
- You can't do that. - Wait a minute. People have a right to see him. - Oh, come on. No, no, no. - Just temporarily. I'm the funeral. I'm the trains. This is horseshit, okay? I've been picking out funeral cushions with Slim Hitler over there... calico this, taffeta that, and you've done what? No, I'm the trains and I want them back. Well, let's see who can mobilise first. Oh, seems to be me! You sneaky little shit.