He was close yesterday. Long live Stalin! Have his wife move into the next cell and start working on her until he talks. Make it noisy. Shame. Mrs Abramovsky's been most cooperative so far.
The Death of Stalin
Quiet. Quiet, quiet.
The Death of Stalin
Ah, nice.
The Death of Stalin
Suit doesn't really work without this belt.
The Death of Stalin
It will end very badly for you. Georgy, Georgy! Georgy, press the button underneath the desk. - Press the button, Georgy. - What button? - Arrest that madman. - Where's the button?
The Death of Stalin
- Alexei Kapler, yes, yes. - Yes.
The Death of Stalin
Right, hold your fire. Hold your fire. Hold your fire! The army's back. Did you miss us?
The Death of Stalin
Right, what do you think?
The Death of Stalin
Rather overwhelming, isn't it?
The Death of Stalin
No, I don't have time for that shit right now. Wait, wait, wait. Come back, come back.
The Death of Stalin
- "Hive." - ..."hive"?
The Death of Stalin
Are they going to sing for us? Why are they standing in a line?
The Death of Stalin
- Excuse me. - That's right. Off you go, kitten.
The Death of Stalin
They're a couple, ain't they?
The Death of Stalin
- Who? - Beria. The treacherous snake brought back the bishops. He brought back Polina. He expressly ignored all Stalin's orders. His men opened fire on innocent people.
The Death of Stalin
I want a recording of tonight's performance. I'll send someone to pick it up.
The Death of Stalin
Right, many terrible things were done in the service of the Union. Evidence was fabricated. Those who are responsible will be found... And what will you do to them? Question them to death? You know what I'm doing? I'm offering you and that bloated soak my protection. - We are not children! - You are a real listener. Thank you.