- Freeze them? - Freeze, yes. Excellent thought. Yes, we could freeze arrests. We could even release some low-level prisoners. Fuck me. I mean... I mean, yes. But what would the old man... Oh, Stalin... Stalin destroyed the status quo and he built a new one. The changes he made were both radical and popular. - Liberalisation would be radical. - Popular. - Radical. - And popular. I will deal with whatever horseshit you have presently. - Actually, I'd like you to see this. - Come on through.
The Death of Stalin
All right, comrades, now that we're quorate, I propose we call a doctor. All the best doctors are in the gulag, or dead. Yes, yes, because they tried to kill the boss. So any doctor still in Moscow is not a good doctor. What are people's thoughts on getting a bad doctor? What the fuck are you talking about? That's mad. What if he recovers and finds out? Well, if he recovers, then we got a good doctor, and if he doesn't recover, then we didn't, but he won't know.
The Death of Stalin
Now, please don't go until I say, okay?
The Death of Stalin
The Death of Stalin
Do you have a party trick? Burping the alphabet?
The Death of Stalin
Hello again.
The Death of Stalin
Just one person.
The Death of Stalin
Not too much on that. He's not Clark Gable, okay? Can somebody get a duster up there? We've got a cobweb large enough to snag a sheep. We're opening in 15 minutes. Now, for the curtains at the front, comrade, do you want ruched, not ruched? - Whatever. I don't care. - Not ruched? - That's good. That's... - Ruched? Not ruched?
The Death of Stalin
Oh, come on.
The Death of Stalin
It's over! I want a second opinion. I don't trust these creatures to... - I mean, how old are you? - I'm 29. That's a lie. How old are you? You look dead.
The Death of Stalin
- I remember everyone. It's a gift. - Oh. Do you remember the way he used to laugh?
The Death of Stalin
So, Lithuanian cubs, Ukrainian cubs, Moldavian cubs... Svetlana.
The Death of Stalin
- How's the speech? - Um... ba-dum-ba-dum... My father... ...was a warm and mighty bear, and we are his 170 million orphaned cubs. Russian cubs, Georgian cubs, Armenian cubs, Lithuanian... We'll leave you to it. Come on.
The Death of Stalin
No. I'm not drinking. I'm using water. It's just to calm your nerves. Yes, actually, I will need some of that. - No. He's not drinking. - No, I'm not drinking.
The Death of Stalin
I won't forget it. Comrade.
The Death of Stalin
Third door on the left. On the left. I have been picturing this moment every day for the last three decades.