You want factionalism? What about those two, fucking Abbott and Costello over there? Christ. When I piss, I try to make eye contact with an officer. Ruins their day.
The Death of Stalin
- Papa! - A miracle. Stalin is invincible. The boss has shipped death back to the salt mine. What's happening? This is impossible... and... and... and wonderful.
The Death of Stalin
I wish the old man could have seen this.
The Death of Stalin
That's it, everything out.
The Death of Stalin
Carried... u... nanimously. Right, next. We need someone to take charge of the funeral. - What about Comrade Khrushchev? - Where's this coming from? I formally propose Comrade Khrushchev be given the honour of organising the funeral. What? Come on, I don't have any time to do that. What if I can do three things at once, you can at least do two. What do I know about funerals? You said you wanted to honour his legacy. You told me last night in the bathroom.
The Death of Stalin
Well, she... she is...
The Death of Stalin
- A grenade. - Georgy. - A grenade... what do you... - No no no. You're obstructing the story. Let him tell it.
The Death of Stalin
Don't you ever... ever... humiliate me again in front of...
The Death of Stalin
Just round to the right. Thank you.
The Death of Stalin
That's him. That's him there. There.
The Death of Stalin
- See you in Moscow. - See you.
The Death of Stalin
I'm glad she's dead.
The Death of Stalin
Come on! Play on!
The Death of Stalin
Oh, come on.
The Death of Stalin
The Death of Stalin
Well, that's got it done.
The Death of Stalin
What was the name of the... that woman who gave evidence against the doctors? - Timashuk. - Yes. She's got everything we require for the situation. The location of all the remaining doctors in the Moscow area, a proven desire to survive and a talent for fellatio. Yeah, right, she gets my vote. Good. Let her find us some doctors. Yeah, and if it goes badly, we pin it all on Lady Suck Suck. - Then we shoot her. - Yes, that would work. You see? We're better as a committee. Let's go.
The Death of Stalin
Stalin killed my family, my friends. - Zinaida Reich, Kuperchinski. - Kup... You knew Kuperchinski? I should have you shot just for saying his name. Comrade Nikita Sergeyevich, you know me. I... Stop. No, I... I don't know you. You don't know me. You fucking taught my niece piano lessons. That's it. Don't you see what Beria's done now? He's tied me to you. We are tied together.