You're not auditioning for the Bolshoi. - Who are you, Nijinsky? Come on. - I have a bad back.
The Death of Stalin
These are good doctors, my dear. They're the best. They look like mental patients.
The Death of Stalin
Oh-oh-oh, no!
The Death of Stalin
- But they would want you to live. - I won't do it. You can't force me. - Can't we just get another pianist? - That would be ridiculous. The sound would be completely different. - Even Stalin could... - Even? - I didn't mean... - Even Stalin? I hope this office isn't bugged. Of course Comrade Stalin would be able to tell the difference. He's a great man with a great ear. - Two great ears. - Sharp. They're sharp. - The sharpest ears in the... - In the Soviet Union. Maria Veniaminovna, you have to play. I didn't... I didn't mean what I said. So you said it, then?
The Death of Stalin
People in off the streets. Just this way.
The Death of Stalin
Now we need a new conductor. Let's go.
The Death of Stalin
Deepest apologies, sir.
The Death of Stalin
Yeah. On the list.
The Death of Stalin
Done. Let's go.
The Death of Stalin
- God. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - To me. - Turn, turn, turn. - This way. There we go. - Yeah, all right. Are you wearing pyjamas? Can we just stop twittering like fishwives at the market and concentrate? - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - Open the door. Back up, back up. No, no, that way. Go. Right, go. - Get back to the kitchen now! - Move! - Move! - Now. Now.
The Death of Stalin
He's heavier than I thought he'd be. - Do you think Stalin's too heavy? - No, it's a compliment. - Gold is heavy. - Well, you'd know. You've looted enough of it, you saucy little pirate. Get back in the dining room!