WAYNE: l'm not sure if my assistant-- -Right through here. Thank you so much.
The Dark Knight Rises
And isn't so wounded when it fails... ...that he goes into hiding. Have a good evening, Mr. Wayne.
The Dark Knight Rises
You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits... ...you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large... ...and leave so little for the rest of us. You sound like you're looking forward to it. l'm adaptable. Those pearls do look better on you than they did in my safe.
The Dark Knight Rises
MIRANDA: Bruce Wayne at a charity ball. Miss Tate, isn't it? Even before you became a recluse, you never came to these things.
The Dark Knight Rises
What's it called?
The Dark Knight Rises
Not bad.
The Dark Knight Rises
...and l remember that one just fine.
The Dark Knight Rises
MERCENARY 1 : We didn't know what to do. BANE: You panicked. And your weakness has cost the lives of three others. No, he's alone.
The Dark Knight Rises
He needs the Batman. -lf Commissioner Gordon thinks-- -Oh, he doesn't know or care who you are.
The Dark Knight Rises
My mom died when l was small. lt was a car accident, l don't really remember it.
The Dark Knight Rises
BANE: l was asking you. lt's the police commissioner.
Must have lost my ticket. -Your wife said you were taking a cab home. -My wife?
The Dark Knight Rises
Bruce Wayne, as l live and breathe.
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
Not likely.
The Dark Knight Rises
BANE: The plan is proceeding as expected. DAGGETT: Oh, really? Do l look like l'm running Wayne Enterprises right now? Your hit on the stock exchange, it didn't work, my friend. And now you have my construction crews going around the city at 24 hours a day. How exactly is that supposed to help my company absorb Wayne's? BANE: Leave us. -No. You stay here. l'm in charge.
The Dark Knight Rises
MIRANDA: You brought me out here to show me this, Mr. Fox? FOX: Bear with me, Miss Tate. Please keep hands and feet inside the car at all times. This is it, isn't it? The reactor is beneath the river...