Look.. don't worry. He could never be mad at you. You guys are like brothers. This is different. This is way different. Did this work? Running away? I mean, are you really happy out here? Yeah. You know, I'm just.. I'm happy to be wherever my parents are not.
The Kings of Summer
- What's up, dude? - Hey. How was, uh, fake family night? Oh, it was great. Nothing went wrong. The police didn't come. I love my father. Shit.
The Kings of Summer
Ready? All right, let's unpack.
The Kings of Summer
Where are we?
The Kings of Summer
I know. I know.
The Kings of Summer
The Kings of Summer
I don't know, she.. She didn't make me nervous. Not like your mom did, anyway. And you need that.
The Kings of Summer
- Hi. - Hey. What's your name? My American name is Gary. You ever have one of those days, Gary? What kind of days? The kind I'm having right now. I don't know what kind of day you're having. Where you feel like somebody is pissing in your face all day long. Is that good or bad?
The Kings of Summer
I.. I guess I agree with that. Might be a little small.
The Kings of Summer
Thanks. Guess I'm a man now, huh?
The Kings of Summer
I-I don't eat cookies. I'm sorry to bother you. I, uh..
The Kings of Summer
Be cool, all right? Be calm. - Be still. - Whoa. - Do not move. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. It can sense fear, all right? Don't move. - No, no, no!! - Easy, easy.
The Kings of Summer
I know you would, Biaggio. You're a good friend. Remember when I said, "If I had to do it over, I'd get bitten again"? You.. you just said that.