- He's got the blue one on. - Yeah. Whoa, rope in the attitude, mister. This is your mother you're speaking to. - Come on, buddy. Come on. - Huh? Huh? - My word. -Sorry, Dad. - Who is he doing a show for? Oh, my gosh, I know, it's like he's on camera. Are there girls around? Yeah, there must be. Uh-oh. Girl check. Checking for a girl in a bikini. - Nope. I don't see one. Those hormones are a-ragin'.
The Kings of Summer
Jesus Christ, dude. Stay above the surface where I could see you, okay?
The Kings of Summer
The Kings of Summer
Did you take anything out? No, he doesn't want your money. He just does it for sport. You know, um, I picked those flowers myself. Oh, yeah. They're really pretty.
The Kings of Summer
You do that often? Eat the hamburger and then the fries? You don't.. You don't mix it up?
The Kings of Summer
The report says this boy was with him the whole week. He's given us nothing so far. He has a contempt for the law I've never seen in a minor. Look at him. He won't sit down. He won't deflate the room. It's actually quite sophisticated.
The Kings of Summer
But I worry. I can't keep my brain from worrying. My.. My woman brain. Ah, my sweet Kelly, why should we let it ruin this moment?
The Kings of Summer
- Okay, I have beer for you. - Hey. Thank you. - Hello. Hello. - Hello, Kelly. - How are you? - I'm good. How are you? I'm not as drunk as you are. I think you are. - Can I have your beer? - No. Hey, sorry, bro. Keg's almost tapped. No beer for freshmen. Oh, but he is a sophomore now, Paul. Sorry, babe. No dice, bro. Oh, man. You little fuck-suckers!! We're trying to sleep!! It's public property, bro!! What? Who told you that? We assumed!!
The Kings of Summer
I would give you a hug or something, but I don't know, maybe you don't want to be anywhere near me.
The Kings of Summer
Are you sure? Um..
The Kings of Summer
Hmm. Guess that is better. Okay, I will trade you B&O Railroad for both your utilities. - Eh. - Eh. Eh.. and this "Get Out of Jail Free" card. Deal. Deal. That's a good deal. That's a good trade. What? Yeah. All four railroads for the utilities and your "Get Out of Jail Free" card.
The Kings of Summer
Joe!! Joe.. Yeah, I'd like to report a theft. Goddamn it!! Yeah, his name is Frank Toy. Brown hair, uh, height unknown. I'll call you back.
The Kings of Summer
What's going on over there?
The Kings of Summer
Oh, man.
The Kings of Summer
The Kings of Summer
Whoa. Mrs. Keenan, I assure you, there is no other agenda than to find your son right now. No. The Irish are the blacks of Europe. The blacks of Europe. - Oh, my God. - Period. - That's powerful stuff. - That's not.. Okay, wow. Sweetheart, I'm Irish, okay? We're under a lot of stress, Captain. I'm sorry about.. You know Patrick was our only boy. "Is." - Did you know that? - Yes, I do. - Did you? I'm well aware. Listen, according to the report, $80 to $100 in food and housewares is missing. From the Toy house, we are down a tool set, grill utensils and about $240 in cash. Now, I presume we're not pressing charges.