ReEncoded By Dr.XJ | PSA Are you kidding me?
Office Christmas Party
Apparently, people don't get drunk before noon. lt's boring as shit. -But the partners want us there, so... -Sure. Anyways, after a year of negotiation, your divorce is finalized.
Office Christmas Party
Well... Mom, don't worry about that. l'm still gonna be fun. l'm still gonna be fun Uncle Josh, you know?
Office Christmas Party
God, no. That'd be crushing.
Office Christmas Party
Well, you should tell Dad that she is not coming over for Christmas.
Office Christmas Party
But l get it.
Office Christmas Party
No, that's it. lnitials.
Office Christmas Party
Josh! Sorry l'm late. That's all right. Office holiday breakfast. You guys have parties at 1 0:30 in the morning? Less liability.
Office Christmas Party
Office Christmas Party
On one level, it must seem like, "l'm signing away a huge chunk of my life "that l'm never getting back."
This week has been a scheduling nightmare! My iCal crashed, and now all my appointments are set in 201 9. And in Hebrew. lt's a flawed program. l've been saying this for years. -Shut up. -Shit.
Office Christmas Party
Hey! What the hell? l hired you to pretend to be my girlfriend, then you go and give all my co-workers hand jobs? You hired me to impress your co-workers, and he was pretty impressed. -Listen, l want my money back. -Well... l'm sorry, what was that? l couldn't hear you over my gun. l... l want my money back. l'm sorry. Customer services are not available right now, but perhaps l can address your grievance.
Office Christmas Party
Carol! Listen. Clay has gone to get wasted with a psychopath, and he's got $300,000 strapped to his chest.