Found 542 results
Jerry, let me go, for God's sake!
The Voices
- Do you wanna get a drink? - Yeah.
The Voices
- Now? - Yeah? Yeah! Okay.
The Voices
What's up, big guy? I was over here. Just thought I'd see what you're up to.
The Voices
Finish it. Finish it, please.
The Voices
We have to get going.
The Voices
Knock, knock. - Hey, Jerry. - Hey, Lisa.
The Voices
I found some irregularities in your records. We need to do an audit. - What? - Come on!
The Voices
- Hey, Jerry? - What? They need you up in accounting. Some problem with payroll or something. Okay.
The Voices
- Sorry, I'm sorry. - No, don't be. Hey.
The Voices
It's stupid. No, it's sweet.
The Voices
No, no, no, no. It's okay. It's okay. I'm gonna... I'm gonna just do this.
The Voices
Everything's gonna be okay.
The Voices
Come on, say something. Tell me to go "F" myself.
The Voices