No! No! No! Mr. Whiskers. That is my psychotherapist. Great job she's doing. You're the picture of mental health. - Where's Bosco? - He got hit by a minivan. - I'm lost without him. - Good. Now you can kill her without all his pathetic yelping.
The Voices
You did the best that you could. It's not your fault.
The Voices
Mr. Whiskers!
The Voices
Oh, God.
The Voices
The Voices
The Voices
- Oh, my God, Jerry. What've you done? - Please be quiet. - Please be quiet. - Let me go, for God's sake! - Mr. Whiskers? - What are you gonna do? I told you, I don't know already. All right? Bosco! What are you gonna do? - What are you going to do? - I told you, I don't know. My pets are missing.
The Voices
I'm scared. She wasn't scared last week when she threatened to send you back to the loony bin. Me too.
The Voices
Stay right there. Hold on. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
The Voices
What can I do to make you more comfortable? - I want to make a phone call. - She'll call the cops. You'll call the cops. No, no, no! I just don't wanna be alone.
The Voices
We believe he's in the bowling alley. You think he's armed? I don't know. Then we have to assume he is. Please don't hurt him. He's very ill. Our first priority is our own safety, Doctor.
The Voices
The suspect's car is in the parking lot. - Here. Here. - I want you two on the right. Fan out and spread around the building. Cover all exits. All right, keep low, guys.
The Voices
That's good, Jerry. This will fool them, since you are bulletproof and invisible.
The Voices
Put me the fuck down, you goddamn psycho. I'll shit in your hand.